The CI job for this repo will generate tooling images with cross compilers targeting aarch64 and x86_64 for both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms.
Images are pushed by default by jobs on the main branch. Images on other branches can be pushed by setting the PUBLISH_GCR_IMAGE and/or PUBLISH_DOCKER_IMAGE params on the Jenkins build job.
On all branches the image tags are appended with the git sha of the current revision. On main an additional tag without the trailing sha is also pushed.
- build local debian image
- default variant: VARIANT_VERSION=Buster
- default platform: host arch
- default cross compiler target architecture: aarch64 and x86_64
- same as mk.debian plus pull new base and ignore docker build cache
Build Bullseye image for your local machine's architecture:
VARIANT_VERSION=bullseye ./scripts/mk.debian