In the IDE you have to pass the following arguments --module-path "{/path/toDownloaded/javafx-sdk-17.0.1/lib}" --add-modules javafx.controls, javafx.web, javafx.fxml
For this we use the build management tool Maven(v. 3.8.4) from the Apache Software Foundation.
With the command mvn install
you can create a jar.
To start the "project" the frameworks and libraries listed below are required, which are provided in the pom.xml
can be downloaded (from Maven) before starting the program.
- Hibernate
- Lombok
- sqlite-dialect
- SQLite
- Data Mapper For Jackson
- OAuth 2.0 for Google-API
- YouTube Data V3 support
- Apache Commons CSV
- Apache PDFBox
- OpenjFX
- MaterialFX
The logos are from Pixabay.