Web dashboard for Loads, v2. https://github.com/loads/loads-broker
- Monitors active loadtests
- View historic loadtest runs
- Define load profiles (container sets)
- Control load test runs
Before you install loads-web, you'll need to have Node.js installed, as well as Grunt and Bower modules installed globally:
$ npm install bower grunt-cli --global
Setting the app up:
$ npm install
Compile Stylus to CSS:
$ grunt stylus
Starting the server:
$ npm start
The dashboard is hosted by a Hapi server that proxies API requests to a separate broker instance. This allows the front-end to be developed independently of the broker, and provides a mechanism for serving mock data if the broker does not implement a particular call.
You can use awsbox to deploy the Hapi server to AWS:
# Create the instance.
> AWS_REGION=us-west-2 AWS_ID={id} AWS_SECRET={secret} \
AWS_EMAIL=me@example.com awsbox create -n loads-web
# Deploy committed changes.
> git push loads-web HEAD:master