- Go to your home directory: cd ~/
- Add to .zshrc or to .bash_profile (MacOS) or to ~/.bashrc (Ubuntu)
docker-machine ip
Error: error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-osxkeychain": executable file not found in $PATH, out:
- brew install docker-credential-helper
- docker login -> should work now
Install docker machine NFS: brew install docker-machine-nfs (https://github.com/adlogix/docker-machine-nfs)
Restart your computer
Mount in your docker VM (e.g. default): docker-machine-nfs default --mount-opts="nolock,vers=3,tcp,fsc,rw,noatime"
"default" is the docker machine name.
- docker-machine regenerate-certs default
- docker-machine-nfs default
- docker-machine-nfs default --mount-opts="nolock,vers=3,tcp,fsc,rw,noatime"
docker run -it -v /Users/youruser/test:/var/www alpine time dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/www/test.dat bs=1024 count=100000