A command line client for JIRA.
This is a command line client which allows to interact with the JIRA platform.
Preferrably in a virtualenv, install the current version:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/lmaitresym/jira-cli
You first need to open a session in JIRA, the command you'll want to run is:
$ jira session login <url> <username> <api_token>
Before you leave, close your session:
$ jira session logout
All commands:
$ jira Usage: jira session (login <url> <username> <password>|logout|dump) jira field (get <field_key_or_id_or_name>|getoptions <field_key>|addprojectoptions <field_key> <project_id>|delprojectoptions <field_key> <project_id>|loadoptions <field_key> <options_file> <project_ids>|addoptions <field_key> <options_file> <project_keys>|suggestions <field_key>|referenceDatas <field_key>|getcontext <field_key>) jira option (get <field_key> <option_id>|add <field_key> <option_value> <project_keys>|del <field_key> <option_id>|exist <field_key> <option_value>|replace <field_key> <option_to_replace> <option_to_use> <jql_filter>|getid <field_key> <option_value>) jira options add <field_key> <options_file> <project_keys> jira issues (get <jql> [--page=<page_index>] [--page-size=<page_size>]|getkeys <jql>|create <json_file>) jira issue (get <issue_key>|del <issue_key>|set <issue_keys> <field_key> <value_or_field_key>|createmeta <project_key> <issue_type>|create <json_file>) jira project (get <project_key_or_id>|list) jira role (get <project_id> <role_id>) jira servicedesk (get <servicedesk_id>|list) jira page (get <space_key> <page_title>|create <space_key> <page_title> <parent_id> [<page_file>]|delete <page_id>|update <space_key> <page_title> <page_file>|move <space_key> <page_title> <parent_id>) jira space (get <space_key>|list) jira -h | --help jira --version
$ jira session login http://myhost:8080/jira myusername mypassword $ jira field getoptions dsi-support-plugin__application
For help using this tool, please open an issue on the Github repository.