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Boilerplate of API in .NET Core 3.1

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Boilerplate is a piece of code that helps you to quickly kick-off a project or start writing your source code. It is kind of a template - instead of starting an empty project and adding the same snippets each time, you can use the boilerplate that already contains such code.

Source code contains

  1. Autofac
  2. Swagger + Swashbuckle
  3. FeatureManagement (Feature Flags, Feature Toggles)
  4. HealthChecks
  5. EF Core
  6. Tests
  7. Code quality
  8. Docker
    • Dockerfile
    • Docker-compose
      • mysql:8 with DB initialization
      • with DB initialization
      • netcore-boilerplate:local
  9. Serilog
  10. DbUp as a db migration tool
  11. Continuous integration








DB Migrations




Integration tests



Unit tests




Load tests

Keep in mind that entire environment has to be up and running.



How to adapt to your project

Generally it is totally up to you! But in case you do not have any plan, You can follow below simple steps:

  1. Download/clone/fork repository ⤵️
  2. Remove components and/or classes that you do not need to 🔥
  3. Rename files (e.g. sln, csproj, ruleset), folders, namespaces etc 📝
  4. Appreciate the work ⭐

Build the solution

Just execute dotnet build in the root directory, it takes HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.sln and build everything.

Start the application


At first, you need to have up and running MySQL and MsSQL database servers on localhost with initialized database by mysql script and mssql script.

Then the application (API) can be started by dotnet run command executed in the src/HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.Api directory. By default it will be available under http://localhost:5000/, but keep in mind that documentation is available under http://localhost:5000/swagger/.

Docker (recommended)

Just run docker-compose up command in the root directory and after successful start of services visit http://localhost:5000/swagger/. To check that API has connection to both MySQL and MsSQL databases visit http://localhost:5000/health/.


When the entire environment is up and running, you can additionally run a migration tool to add some new schema objects into MsSQL DB. To do that, go to src/HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.Db directory and execute dotnet run command.

Run unit tests

Run dotnet test command in the root directory, it will look for test projects in HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.sln and run them.

Migrate from ASP .NET Core 2.2 to 3.1

Need to migrate from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.1? There's an Microsoft article about this, but you can also, just in case, take a look at my migration commit where you can find the complete list of required changes.

To Do

  • any idea? Please create an issue.

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  • you learn something,
  • you are using it in your project/application,

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