App::Ecosystems - Interactive Ecosystem Inspector
$ ecosystems
Ecosystem: Raku Ecosystem Archive ('rea' 12069 identities)
Updated: 2024-12-04T09:32:33
Period: 2011-05-10 - 2024-12-03
rea >
% ecosystems --ecosystem=zef
Ecosystem: Zef (Fez) Ecosystem Content Storage ('zef' 5002 identities)
Updated: 2024-12-03T19:42:25
rea >
App::Ecosystems provides an interactive shell for interrogating and inspecting the Raku module ecosystem, providing an interactive interface to the API provided by the Ecosystem
This shell is both provided as an exported ecosystems
subroutine, as well as a command-line script called ecosystems
These are the available commands in alphabetical order. Note that if Linenoise
or Terminal::LineEditor
is used as the underlying interface, tab completion will be available for all of these commands.
Also note that each command may be shortened to a unique root: so just entering "a" would be ambiguous, but "ap" would give you the "api" functionality.
rea > authors
Found 600 unique author names
rea > authors liz
Authors matching 'liz'
Elizabeth Mattijsen (230x)
Search authors related information (the information in the meta tags "author" and "authors").
rea > catch
Exception catching is: ON
rea > catch off
Exception catching set to OFF
Show whether exceptions will be caught or not, or change that setting.
By default any exceptions during execution will be caught and only a one-line message of the error will be shown. By default it is ON. Switching it to OFF will cause an exception to show a complete backtrace and exit the program, which may be desirable during debugging and/or error reporting.
rea > default-api
Default api is: 'Any'
rea > default-api 1
Default api set to '1'
Show or set the default "api" value to be used in ecosystem searches.
rea > default-auth
Default authority is: 'Any'
rea > default-auth zef:raku-community-modules
Default authority set to 'zef:raku-community-modules'
Show or set the default "auth" value to be used in ecosystem searches.
rea > default-from
Default from is: 'Any'
rea > default-from NQP
Default from set to 'NQP'
Show or set the default "from" value to be used in ecosystem searches.
rea > default-ver
Default version is: 'Any'
rea > default-ver 0.0.3+
Default version set to '0.0.3+'
Show or set the default "ver" value to be used in ecosystem searches.
rea > dependencies Map::Match
Dependencies of Map::Match:ver<0.0.5>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Add 'verbose' for recursive depencies
Show the dependencies of a given distribution name. If the distribution name is not fully qualified with auth
, ver
and api
, then the most recent version will be assumed.
rea > dependencies Map::Match :ver<0.0.1>
Dependencies of Map::Match:ver<0.0.1>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Add 'verbose' for recursive depencies
You can also specify a version if you'd like to see the dependency information of that version of the distribution.
rea > distros Agnostic
Distributions that match 'Agnostic'
Add 'verbose' to also see their frequency
Show the names of the distributions with the given search term. For now any distribution name that contains the given string, will be included.
The search term may be expressed as a regular expression.
rea > ecosystem
Using the Raku Ecosystem Archive
rea > ecosystem fez
Ecosystem: Zef (Fez) Ecosystem Content Storage ('zef' 4996 identities)
Updated: 2024-12-02T19:35:46
Show or set the ecosystem to be used in ecosystem searches. Note that the currently used ecosystem is also shown in the prompt.
rea > editor
Show the name of the underlying editor that is being used. Note that only Linenoise
and LineEditor
allow tab-completions.
rea > exit
Exit and save any history.
rea > help
Available commands:
api authority catch dependencies distros ecosystem editor exit from help
identities meta quit reverse-dependencies river unresolvable unversioned
use-targets verbose version
Show available commands if used without additional argument. If a command is specified as an additional argument, show any in-depth information about that command.
rea > identities SSH::LibSSH
Most recent version of identities that match 'SSH::LibSSH'
Add 'verbose' to see all identities
Show the most recent versions of the identities that match the given search term, either as distribution name or use
The search term may be expressed as a regular expression.
rea > meta actions
Meta information of actions:ver<0.0.2>:auth<zef:lizmat>
Resolved from: actions
"auth": "zef:lizmat",
"authors": [
"Elizabeth Mattijsen"
"description": "Introduce \"actions\" keyword",
"dist": "actions:ver<0.0.2>:auth<zef:lizmat>",
"license": "Artistic-2.0",
"name": "actions",
"perl": "6.d",
"provides": {
"actions": "lib/actions.rakumod"
"release-date": "2024-09-23",
"source-url": "",
"tags": [
"version": "0.0.2"
Show the meta information of the given distribution name as it was found in the currently active ecosystem. Note that this may be subtly different from the contents of the META6.json file becomes an ecosystem may have added fields and/or have updated fields for that particular ecosystem (such as "source-url").
rea > quit
Exit and save any history.
rea > release-dates 2023
Found 332 dates matching '2023' with 1358 releases
rea > release-dates 2024-12-11 verbose
Found 1 dates matching '2024-12-11' with 2 releases
2 recent identities on 2024-12-11:
Show the dates and optionally the releases on those dates (as found in the "release-date" field in the META6.json). Note that this field is only provided by the Raku Ecosystem Archive so far.
Current semantics are less than useful. Please ignore until fixed.
rea > reverse-dependencies Ecosystem
Reverse dependencies of Ecosystem
Show the distribution names that have a dependency on the given identity.
rea > river
Top 3 distributions and number of dependees
Add 'verbose' to also see the actual dependees
JSON::Fast (398)
File::Directory::Tree (249)
MIME::Base64 (233)
Show the N distributions (defaults to 3) that have the most reverse dependencies (aka: are most "up-stream").
rea > tags
Found 1790 unique tags
rea > tags conc
Tags matching 'conc'
Search tag related information (the information in the meta tag "tags").
Current semantics are less than useful. Please ignore until fixed.
rea > unversioned
Found 105 distributions that did not have a release with a valid version
Add 'verbose' to list the distribution names
Show how many distributions there are in the ecosystem without valid version information (and which did not have a later release with a valid version value). Optionally also list the identities of these distributions.
rea > update
Ecosystem: Raku Ecosystem Archive ('rea' 12066 identities)
Updated: 2024-12-03T19:02:03
Period: 2011-05-10 - 2024-12-03
Update the in-memory information about the current ecosystem from its original source.
rea > use-targets Crane::A
Use targets that match Crane::A
Add 'verbose' to also see their distribution
Show the names of the use
targets with the given search term (aka search all keys that are specified in provides
sections of distributions in the ecosystem).
The search term may be expressed as a regular expression.
rea > verbose
Verbosity is: OFF
rea > verbose on
Verbosity set to ON
Show or set the default verbosity level to be used in showing the result of ecosystem searches. The default is OFF.
This module is basically a replacement of the CLI::Ecosystem
module, which suffers from noticeable startup delay because of ecosystem information loading on each invocation.
Elizabeth Mattijsen
Source can be located at: . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
If you like this module, or what I'm doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!
Copyright 2024, 2025 Elizabeth Mattijsen
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.