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A Redis client for EventMachine designed to be fast and simple.


I wanted a client which:

  • used the C hiredis library to parse redis replies
  • had a convenient API for pubsub
  • exposed the state of the underlying redis connections so that custom failover logic could be written outside the library

Also, is no longer maintained.

Getting started

Connect to redis:

require 'em-hiredis'
redis = EM::Hiredis.connect

Or, connect to redis with a redis URL (for a different host, port, password, DB)

redis = EM::Hiredis.connect("redis://")

Commands may be sent immediately. Any commands sent while connecting to redis will be queued.

All redis commands are available without any remapping of names, and return a deferrable

redis.set('foo', 'bar').callback {
  redis.get('foo').callback { |value|
    p [:returned, value]

If redis replies with an error (for example you called a hash operation against a set or the database is full), or if the redis connection disconnects before the command returns, the deferrable will fail.

redis.sadd('aset', 'member').callback {
  response_deferrable = redis.hget('aset', 'member')
  response_deferrable.errback { |e|
    p e # => #<EventMachine::Hiredis::RedisError: Error reply from redis (wrapped in redis_error)>
    p e.redis_error # => #<RuntimeError: ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value>

As a shortcut, if you're only interested in binding to the success case you can simply provide a block to any command

redis.get('foo') { |value|
  p [:returned, value]

Understanding the state of the connection

When a connection to redis server closes, a :disconnected event will be emitted and the connection will be immediately reconnect. If the connection reconnects a :connected event will be emitted.

If a reconnect fails to connect, a :reconnect_failed event will be emitted (rather than :disconnected) with the number of consecutive failures, and the connection will be retried after a timeout (defaults to 0.5s, can be set via EM::Hiredis.reconnect_timeout=).

If a client fails to reconnect 4 consecutive times then a :failed event will be emitted, and any queued redis commands will be failed (otherwise they would be queued forever waiting for a reconnect).


The way pubsub works in redis is that once a subscribe has been made on a connection, it's only possible to send (p)subscribe or (p)unsubscribe commands on that connection. The connection will also receive messages which are not replies to commands.

The regular EM::Hiredis::Client no longer understands pubsub messages - this logic has been moved to EM::Hiredis::PubsubClient. The pubsub client can either be initialized directly (see code) or you can get one connected to the same redis server by calling #pubsub on an existing EM::Hiredis::Client instance.

Pubsub can either be used in em-hiredis in a close-to-the-metal fashion, or you can use the convenience functionality for binding blocks to subscriptions if you prefer (recommended).

Close to the metal pubsub interface

Basically just bind to :message and :pmessage events:

# Create two connections, one will be used for subscribing
redis = EM::Hiredis.connect
pubsub = redis.pubsub

pubsub.subscribe('bar.0').callback { puts "Subscribed" }

pubsub.on(:message) { |channel, message|
  p [:message, channel, message]

pubsub.on(:pmessage) { |key, channel, message|
  p [:pmessage, key, channel, message]

EM.add_periodic_timer(1) {
  redis.publish("bar.#{rand(2)}", "hello").errback { |e|
    p [:publisherror, e]

Richer pubsub interface

If you pass a block to subscribe or psubscribe, the passed block will be called whenever a message arrives on that subscription:

redis = EM::Hiredis.connect

puts "Subscribing"
redis.pubsub.subscribe("foo") { |msg|
  p [:sub1, msg]

redis.pubsub.psubscribe("f*") { |msg|
  p [:sub2, msg]

EM.add_periodic_timer(1) {
  redis.publish("foo", "Hello")

EM.add_timer(5) {
  puts "Unsubscribing sub1"

It's possible to subscribe to the same channel multiple time and just unsubscribe a single callback using unsubscribe_proc or punsubscribe_proc.


You need bundler and a local redis server running on port 6379 to run the test suite.

# WARNING: The tests call flushdb on db 9 - this clears all keys!
bundle exec rake

Run an individual spec:

bundle exec rspec spec/redis_commands_spec.rb

Many thanks to the em-redis gem for getting this gem bootstrapped with some tests.


Eventmachine redis client







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  • Ruby 99.2%
  • Lua 0.8%