This layer has defined a ton of fundamental key bindings. You can see the keybings.vim for more information and modify the existing key mappings in UserConfig()
这个 Layer 涉及比较多的基本操作,但是记忆起来应当不是很复杂,快捷键一般控制在两个。如果想要修改已有的键位,可在 UserConfig()
This layer has been enabled as the default layer. 已默认启用。
Key Binding |
Mode |
Description |
SPC q |
Normal |
quit, 退出 |
Normal |
quit without saving, 不保存强制退出 |
SPC d |
Normal |
go down half page, 向下移动半屏 |
SPC u |
Normal |
go up half page, 向上移动半屏 |
SPC ' |
Normal |
open shell, 在 vim 中打开 shell |
SPC s c |
Normal |
search result highlight countermand, 取消搜索结果高亮 |
SPC t p |
Normal |
toggle pastemode, 粘贴模式开关 |
Ctrl j |
Insert |
j, 向下移动 |
Ctrl k |
Insert |
k, 向上移动 |
Ctrl h |
Insert |
h, 向左移动 |
Ctrl l |
Insert |
l, 向右移动 |
jj |
Insert |
<Esc> |
jk |
Insert |
<Esc> |
kk |
Insert |
<Esc> |
v |
Visual |
<Esc> |
U |
Normal |
redo, 重做(对应 u 为撤销,undo) |
H |
Normal |
beginning of line, 光标跳转到行首 |
L |
Normal |
end of line, 光标跳转到行尾 |
Y |
Normal |
yank from cursor to end of line, 从光标处复制到行尾 |
SPC f s |
Normal |
file save, 保存文件 |
SPC f [1-9] |
Normal |
fold level, 设置折叠层次,f 0 相当于全部折叠, f 9 相当于取消折叠全部展开 |
Key Binding |
Mode |
Description |
SPC b p |
Normal |
previous buffer, 上一个缓冲区 |
SPC b n |
Normal |
next buffer, 下一个缓冲区 |
SPC b d |
Normal |
delete current buffer, 删除当前缓冲区 |
SPC b k |
Normal |
kill current buffer, 杀掉当前缓冲区 |
[ b |
Normal |
previous buffer, 上一个缓冲区 |
] b |
Normal |
next buffer, 下一个缓冲区 |
Key Binding |
Mode |
Description |
[ t |
Normal |
previous tab |
] t |
Normal |
next tab |
Key Binding |
Mode |
Description |
SPC [1-9] |
Normal |
switch to window with number [1-9], 切换至对应编号[1-9]对应的 window |
SPC w j |
Normal |
window-down, 移动至下方窗口 |
SPC w k |
Normal |
window-up, 移动至上方窗口 |
SPC w h |
Normal |
window-left, 移动至左侧窗口 |
SPC w l |
Normal |
window-right, 移动至右侧窗口 |
SPC w J |
Normal |
向下扩大当前窗口 |
SPC w K |
Normal |
向上扩大当前窗口 |
SPC w H |
Normal |
向右扩大当前窗口 |
SPC w L |
Normal |
向左扩大当前窗口 |
SPC w v |
Normal |
split-window-right, 竖直分割窗口, 等同于 `SPC w |
SPC w 2 |
Normal |
layout-double-columns, 将窗口分割为两列,等同于SPC w v |
SPC w s |
Normal |
split-window-below, 水平分割窗口, 等同于 SPC w - |
SPC w d |
Normal |
delete-window, 关闭 (cancel, 记 delete) 当前窗口 |
SPC w q |
Normal |
quit-window, 退出 (quit) 当前窗口,若是最后一个窗口则退出vim |
SPC w w |
Normal |
other-window, 在所有窗口中循环移动 |
SPC w r |
Normal |
window-replace, 向右或向下方交换 (replace) 窗口 |
SPC w m |
Normal |
GUI 环境下 vim 窗口最大化 (maximum) 开关 |
Key Binding |
Mode |
Description |
SPC x d |
Normal |
delete trailing whitespace, 去掉行尾多余空格 (text delete) |
SPC f R |
Normal |
reload .vimrc, 重新加载 .vimrc (file Resource) |
SPC b h |
Normal |
buffer home, 主 buffer |