To install the project and be ready to develop you need a few components:
- npm (nodejs >0.9)
- grunt-cli
On ubuntu 12.04 (and maybe others) you might need to add a repository for a recent version of nodejs
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties python g++ make sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm sudo npm -g install grunt-cli grunt
sudo npm install -g bower
WARNING: this step must NOT be run as root, npm will just let you down.
npm install
This will install the full toolchain to develop, build and deploy the application.
grunt dev
Examples are built in examples/*html from examples/src/*html.
To create a new one: add a new .html in examples/src/, include the header and footer comments for grunt to build them correctly. Or copy one of the existing into a new one, directly.
The list of examples is built and included everywhere automatically.
To get a list of grunt targets:
grunt --help
grunt build
Will build a production ready pundit2 distribution in /build/:
- css/ver.pundit.css
- css/fonts/*
- scripts/ver.libs.js
- scripts/ver.pundit2.js
Plus all of the examples using the production code: index.html or just *.html.
Plus the documentation in /Docs.
- Modules: "Pundit2.ModuleName", camel case with first capitalized
- Constants: "PUNDITDEFAULTCONF", all capitalized
- Services/Factories/Providers: "ServiceName", camel case with first capitalized
- Filenames:
- javascript: "$name.$what.js" (eg Example.dir.js)
- $what is one of: module, service, factory, ctrl, constant, dir (directive)...
- $name is the same name of the $what defined inside (camel case etc)
- templates: "$name.$what.tmpl.html" (eg: Example.dir.tmpl.html)
- $name.$what is the same name of module this template belongs to
- unit test: "$name.$what.unit.test.js" (eg: Example.service.unit.test.js)
- e2e test: "$name.e2e.test.js" (eg: Example.e2e.test.js)
- javascript: "$name.$what.js" (eg Example.dir.js)
- Directories: name of the module / component
- Css classnames:
- words are separated by hyphens "-"
- they all start with "pnd-" (eg: pnd-dashboard-container)
- they are all lowercase
- Js framework: Angular js
- Css/html framework: Bootstrap
- js+css/html: Angular strap
- Unit tests:
- E2E tests: