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Fast R-CNN

Ross Girshick (Microsoft Research ),把同在微软的何凯明的SPP-Net怼了回去。

Problem:R-CNN and SPPnet

  • Training is a multi-stage pipeline

    三步走战略:训练ConvNet log loss、训练SVMs代替softmax、训练bounding-box。加上提取建议框,就是四步走战略了。

  • Training is expensive in space and time

    每张图片的每一个object proposal(region proposal、candidate window)特征都需要写入磁盘。

  • Object detection is slow.

    测试中,Detection with VGG16 takes 47s / image (on a GPU)。我靠,真慢。


  • Higher detection quality (mAP) than R-CNN, SPPnet
  • Training is single-stage, using a multi-task loss
  • Training can update all network layers, SPPnet只训练FC层。
  • No disk storage is required for feature caching



Fast R-CNN trains the very deep VGG16 network 9× faster than R-CNN, is 213× faster at test-time.

Fast R-CNN trains VGG16 3× faster, tests 10× faster, and is more accurate, compared to SPPnet.




一个预训练的网络,比如VGG16,初始化一个Fast R-CCN网络,需要三个转换:

  1. 最后一层最大池化层被一个ROI pooling层替代来和网络的第一个全连接层相容。
  2. 最后一个全连接层和softmax层被前文所述的兄弟层替代。
  3. 网络需要被修改成采用两个输入:一个图像列表和这些图像中的ROIs列表。ps:但是RoIs列表是从哪来的????仍然按照RCNN、SPPnet?


  1. 输入 an entire iamge and a set of object proposal

  2. 经过几个卷积和pooling层输出 a conv feature map

  3. 对每一个object proposal,RoI pooling 层提取固定长度的特征向量。

  4. 将每一个特征向量(ps 应该是n(RoIs)×fixed-length vector一起送入全连接层吧,但图中右下角表明是For each RoI)输入到一系列全连接层,然后兵分两路送入到两个输出层,softmax是K+1的输出,bbox regressor输出 four real-valued numbers for each of the K object classes,那输出应该是4K长度的向量。插图介绍把这两个输出向量叫做:oftmax probabilities and per-class bounding-box regression offsets。

    我理解的是:本文中有128个RoIs,softmax输出128×20即,1)对应某一类别每个RoI的得分,2)也可以理解为某个RoI对应每个类别的得分,因为要做NMS,是在某一类下对所有RoI进行操作,所以第一种解释比较好理解。bbox regressor输出128×4对应每个RoI的坐标偏移。

The RoI pooling layer

说白了,就是one-level spp pooling。把特征图分为H×W(e.g. 7×7 for VGG16)的grid cell。核大小计算规则见SPPnet。

Each RoI is defined by a four-tuple (r, c, h, w) that specifies its top-left corner (r, c) and its height and width (h, w)


联合训练:jointly optimizes a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors 。


stochastic gradient descent (SGD) mini-batches are sampled hierarchically, first by sampling N images and then by sampling R/N RoIs from each image

其中选N=2 和 R=128。相当于每次输入2张图像,每张图形提取64个RoI。怎么提取的呢?????

损失:Multi-task loss

我们定义 $$ p = (p_0,.... , p_K) $$

由softmax计算,表示K+1类。 $$ t^k =( t_x^k,t_y^k , t_w^k,t_h^k) $$ 表示:第二个输出层对于每一个类都输出边框回归偏移,t 的定义在RCNN中定义,如下图。G表示ground truth,P表示预测框。


每个RoI的损失函数定义如下式: $$ L(p, u,t^u, v) = L_{cls}(p, u) + λ[u ≥ 1]L_{loc}(t^u, v) $$

其中,第一个是log loss: $$ L_{cls}(p, u) = − log p_u $$ Each training RoI is labeled with a ground-truth class u and a ground-truth bounding-box regression target v 。[u ≥ 1] evaluates to 1 when u ≥ 1 and 0 otherwise.




smoothL1 is a robust L1 loss that is less sensitive to outliers than the L2 loss used in R-CNN and SPPnet.

We normalize the ground-truth regression targets vi to have zero mean and unit variance. All experiments use λ = 1. (ps,4个数也能正则化?????)

Mini-batch sampling

  • 每次2张,每张采样64个RoI。
  • 取25% IoU>0.5的 RoI作为foreground object class,打上标签u≥1;IoU在[0.1,0.5)之间的那些RoI作为the background examples,u=0。
  • 数据增广,images are horizontally flipped with probability 0.5. No other data augmentation is used.


  • The fully connected layers used for softmax classification and bounding-box regression are initialized from zero-mean Gaussian distributions with standard deviations 0.01 and 0.001, respectively. Biases are initialized to 0.
  • a global learning rate of 0,001
  • echo:When training on VOC07 or VOC12 trainval we run SGD for 30k mini-batch iterations, and then lower the learning rate to 0.0001 and train for another 10k iterations.
  • A momentum of 0.9 and parameter decay of 0.0005 (on weights and biases) are used

Design evaluation
