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  • can generate a fixed-length representation(每一个window生成一个1维向量) regardless of image size/scale. we compute the feature maps from the entire image only once(RCNN一张图片分割为2000张), and then pool features in arbitrary regions (sub-images) to generate fixed-length representations for training the detectors.
  • SPP-net should in general improve all CNN-based image classification methods.
  • SPP-net achieves state-of-the art classification results using a single full-image representation and no fine-tuning.
  • In processing test images, our method is 24-102× faster than the R-CNN method, while achieving better or comparable accuracy on Pascal VOC 2007






spatial pyramid pooling

we replace the last pooling layer (e.g., pool5, after the last convolutional layer) with a spatial pyramid pooling layer.

![SPP_spatial pyramid pooling](E:\paperreading\img\SPP_spatial pyramid pooling.png)

文献中把图中pooling的小方块叫做local spatial bins,尺寸与输入图像大小无关。注意,每个bins在pooling时可能重叠,由核尺寸和步长决定。

In each spatial bin, we pool the responses of each filter (throughout this paper we use max pooling).

这里pooling整个特征图(each filter),是只为了分类任务吧。。。。。。。。

得到固定维度的 kM-dimensional vectors,k是最后一层卷积核数量,也是输出特征图的通道数。M是local spatial bins的数量。This not only allows arbitrary aspect ratios, but also allows arbitrary scales. We can resize the input image to any scale。值得一提的是,最右边1×1的叫做“global pooling”,是受到前人工作的启发。

Train Solution

Theoretically, the above network structure can be trained with standard back-propagation [1], regardless of the input image size. But in practice the GPU implementations (such as cuda-convnet [3] and Caffe [35]) are preferably run on fixed input images. Next we describe our training solution that takes advantage of these GPU implementations while still preserving the spatial pyramid pooling behaviors.


Single-size training

  • 输入:224×224,按照前人的工作,首先考虑的尺寸。
  • SPP-pooling:例如:3-level pyramid pooling (3×3, 2×2, 1×1) ,win=a/n取上整,stride=a/n取下整, AlexNet的conv5的输出是13×13,3×3的输出对应win=13/3=5,str=13/3=4 。另两个(7,6),(13,13),但在训练中使用The pyramid is {6×6, 3×3, 2×2, 1×1} (totally 50 bins)
  • 损失Loss:没提。
  • 训练超参数:没提。

Multi-size training

  • 输入:考虑了180×180,不是裁剪180×180的区域,而是resize the aforementioned 224×224 region to 180×180。这样:分辨率不同,但内容和布局相同。当然也考虑了[180,224]之间的尺寸
  • SPP-pooling,conv5的输出10×10,pooling策略与之前相同,可生成与224×224相同的输出。共享参数哦!
  • LOSS:没提。
  • 训练超参数:没提。


our method (SPP) enables feature extraction in arbitrary windows from the deep convolutional feature maps.




  1. RCNN:首先通过选择性搜索,对待检测的图片进行搜索出2000个候选窗口。这一步和R-CNN一样。

  2. 特征提取阶段。这一步就是和R-CNN最大的区别了,这一步骤的具体操作如下:we resize the image such that min(w,h) = s,然输入到CNN中,进行一次性特征提取,得到feature maps,然后在feature maps中找到各个候选框的区域,再对各个候选框采用金字塔空间池化,提取出固定长度的特征向量。而R-CNN输入的是每个候选框,然后在进入CNN,因为SPP-Net只需要一次对整张图片进行特征提取,速度会大大提升。SPPnet:This generates a 12,800- d (256×50) representation for each window ,而RCNN中是4096。

    这理解错了,原文:This generates a 12,800- d (256×50) representation for each window. These representations are provided to the fully-connected layers of the network. 后面还接着两个全连接层。最后输出是多少不知道了。。。。。也是2000×4096???

  3. RCNN:最后一步也是和R-CNN一样,采用SVM算法进行特征向量分类识别,We apply the standard hard negative mining [23] to train the SVM. This step is iterated once. It takes less than 1 hour to train SVMs for all 20 categories.

步骤2中涉及的难点原始图像的ROI建议框如何映射到特征图上呢(一系列卷积层的最后输出) 。文中也提到了这点,有时间补上,其实是没看懂。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


  • SPP-net model of ZF-5 (single-size trained)
  • we use a 4-level spatial pyramid (1×1, 2×2, 3×3, 6×6, totally 50 bins) to pool the features.
  • 后面fc6,fc7,还有21-way fc8。


与RCNN策略一样。positive samples [0.5,1],negative samples [0.1,0.5]。数字代表IoU的值。



Our implementation of the SVM training follows [20], [7]. We use the ground-truth windows to generate the positive samples. The negative samples are those overlapping a positive window by at most 30% (measured by the intersection-over-union (IoU) ratio). Any negative sample is removed if it overlaps another negative sample by more than 70%. We apply the standard hard negative mining [23] to train the SVM. This step is iterated once.

  1. 微调预训练模型:We also fine-tune our pre-trained network, following RCNN. Since our features are pooled from the conv5 feature maps from windows of any sizes, for simplicity we only fine-tune the fully-connected layers.

    文中说之训练fc层是为了简单起见,而Fast R-CNN中打脸地提到:

    Training all network weights with back-propagation is an important capability of Fast R-CNN. First, let’s elucidate why SPPnet is unable to update weights below the spatial pyramid pooling layer

  2. SVM训练。输出2000×20,每一类对应的2000个框的得分。

  3. 边框回归训练:Also following RCNN, we use bounding box regression to post-process the prediction windows. The features used for regression are the pooled features from conv5 (as a counterpart of the pool5 features used in [7]RCNN). The windows used for the regression training are those overlapping with a ground-truth window by at least 50% .


  • The fc8 weights are initialized with a Gaussian distribution of σ=0.01
  • 学习速率: We train 250k mini-batches using the learning rate 1e-4, and then 50k mini-batches using 1e-5
  • Because we only fine-tune the fc layers, the training is very fast and takes about 2 hours on the GPU (excluding pre-caching feature maps which takes about 1 hour)





为了说明 Multi-level Pooling Improves Accuracy ,要做三组实验:不加SPP的、单尺度的和多尺度的。

为了说明不是参数变多导致效果好,做了{4×4, 3×3, 2×2, 1×1} (totally 30 bins)的实验与no SPP的对比 ,参数:30×256<36×256。

不懂:Multi-view Testing on Feature Maps

For the standard 10-view, we use s = 256 and the views are 224×224 windows on the corners or center.


Multi-view Testing on Feature Maps:在feature map上取multi-view(multi-window),然后平均化softmax的预测分数,进一步地再加入多尺寸,同样有助于提升准确率 。

Mapping a Window to Feature Maps (文末):

In the detection algorithm (and multi-view testing on feature maps), a window is given in the image domain, and we use it to crop the convolutional feature maps (e.g., conv5) which have been sub-sampled several times. So we need to align the window on the feature maps.

参考:原始图片中的ROI如何映射到到feature map?