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Table pre-processing

Create tables and change units

Events tables : "inputevents_cv", "inputevents_mv", "chartevents", "labevents", "outputevents" , "prescriptions"

Run ./ in which we change units to be consistent, and drop records whose units we cannot change by rules.

Create event tables for useful itemids

Events tables : "inputevents_cv", "inputevents_mv", "chartevents", "labevents", "outputevents"

Run ./ in which we filter useful itemids for further extration.

Break up by subject

Run ./ in which we extract the features from first icu admission for 38597 distinct adult subjects.

For icustays, add age, and given-hours mortality, only keep age > 15

For prescriptions, diagnoses and procedures, filter them on icustays ,and count the number of occurrences of ICD-9 code which we can use to keep only icd9 code by the number of occurrences above threshold.

Break up basic tables above and events tables by subject respectively:

Filter records whose value is nan or empty string.

Validate events

Run ./

  1. drop all events whose HADM_ID is empty or not listed in stays.csv

  2. recover ICUSTAY_ID if it is empty in stays.csv

  3. drop all events whose ICUSTAY_ID is not the same as that of stays.csv for the same HADM_ID

  4. filter events with nan VALUE

  5. save at "X_verified.csv"

Extract episode from subjects

Run ./ in which we extract raw timeseries data in episodeN_timeseries_processed.csv , processed timeseries data in episodeN_timeseries_raw.csv , and static episode including basic info and diagnoses icd9 codes group in episodeN.csv.

Besides, there is episodes_index in output path which save 38466 SUBJECT_ID to its episode path.

stays.csv + diagnoses.csv + procedures.csv >> episode.csv

prescriptions, inputevents_cv, inputevents_mv, labevents,outputevents, chartevents >> episode_timeseries.csv

Create dataset for experiments

Run ./ in which we creat dataset from 38462 subjects for experiments.