Azan is an Islamic prayer times applet for Cinnamon.
- List 5 prayer times + other necessary times in Islam (Imsak, Sunrise, Sunset, Midnight).
- Show remaining time for the upcoming prayer.
- Show current date in Hijri calendar.
- Display a notification when it's time for prayer.
- Download zip file and extract to
OR open "System Settings" > "Applets" > "Available applets (online)", search "Azan" then click "Install or update selected items" - In "Installed applets", right click "Azan" applet then select "Add to panel"
- 0.1 : initial upload
- 0.2 : Juristic Method option added in applet Settings
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
- Azan app indicator for Ubuntu Unity desktop (work still in progress/alpha version) :