The Raffle contract is a highly configurable proof of concept for a Raffle using Chainlink Automation and VRF. It is capable of creating and resolving raffles on demand utilizing the VRF Direct Funding method and Automations to allow users full control of their own raffle.
$ git clone
See .env.example
This is set in your root directory.
# Network RPCs
export RPC_URL=
# Private key for contract deployment
# Explorer API key used to verify contracts
# From anvil
export LOCAL_RPC_URL="http://localhost:8545"
export ANVIL_PRIVATE_KEY="" # Get from anvil after running for the first time, see below
# UI
export UI_RAFFLE_MANAGER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS= # Get from anvil after deploying contract
Install any wallet to your browser (currently supports Metamask)
# <root>
$ docker compose up
- Open browser at localhost:3005
# Download foundry
$ curl -L | bash
# Install foundry
$ foundryup
# (Mac only) Install anvil (prereq: Homebrew)
$ brew install libusb
# <root>/contracts
$ make install
# <root>/contracts (run in new terminal window)
$ anvil
Note: each time anvil is restarted, the contract will need to be re-deployed but will have the same contract address assuming no contract changes
# <root>/contracts
# If deploying locally
$ make deploy-local
# Or if deploying to public network, set RPC_URL to desired network:
$ make deploy
# <root>/client
$ nvm use
$ yarn
# <root>/client/packages/ui
$ yarn start
- Open browser at localhost:3005
# <root>/contracts
make test-contracts-all
# <root>/client/packages/ui
$ yarn test
$ yarn tsc
$ yarn lint
$ yarn prettier
As a creator of a raffle, the minimum token requirments are needed to ensure that your raffle is created and finished without issues. All unused LINK token amounts are able to be withdrawn after completion of raffle.
- 5.1 LINK
- 0.1 (VRF request)
- 5 (Automation subscription)
After picking winners is initiated in the UI, the status of the raffle is moved to pending
. Each subsequent block is then checked to see if the VRF request has been finished and winners picked. Once found, the status is automatically moved to finished
. The winners are then able to be viewed and leftover LINK is able to be withdrawn.
To work with both address
and string
types for contestant identifiers, identifiers are hashed and formed as bytes32
to preserve consistency and privacy over both Dynamic/Static
raffles. To help users who are added into static raffles by the raffle admin find out if they were entered or won, two helper functions have been created.
function checkIfWon(uint256 raffleId, string memory user) external view returns (bool)
function checkIfEntered(uint256 raffleId, string memory user) external view returns (bool)
Both helper functions allow for static raffle users to add their unique identifer (ie.
and raffle ID to check if they were entered or if they have won the raffle without releasing senative information.