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@ingroup fms2_io_mod

FMS_io/mpp_io to FMS2_io conversion guide

Before introducing the FMS2_io module, subroutines and functions in fms_io and mpp_io modules were used to mainly handle read/writes to NetCDF files. However, there were duplicate routines present in both modules that led to redundancy, and the blackbox-like I/O processes restricted user flexibility. The FMS2_io module has thus been implemented for a cleaner set of I/O tools and to give users more control over the information being written/read to NetCDF files. This guide helps convert fms_io/mpp_io code to FMS2_io

A. FMS2_io Fileobjs

FMS2_io provides three new derived types, which target the different I/O paradigms used in GFDL models.

1. FmsNetcdfFile_t: This type provides a thin wrapper over the netCDF4 library, but allows the user to assign a “pelist” to the file. If a pelist is assigned, only the first rank on the list directly interacts with the netCDF library, and performs broadcasts to relay the information read to the rest of the ranks on the list. When writing netcdf files, only the first rank in the pelist will perform the writes.

2. FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t: This type does everything that the FmsNetcdfFile_t type does and it adds support for “domain-decomposed” reads/writes. Here, "domain decomposed" refers to data that is on a user-defined mpp_domain and is decomposed in two dimensions, in which each MPI rank has its own section of the global data. This requires a domain to be associated with the fileobj.

3. FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t: This type does everything that the FmsNetcdfFile_t type does and it adds support for “domain-decomposed” reads/writes on a user defined mpp_domains unstructured grid. This requires a unstructured domain to be associated with the fileobj.

The FMS_io equivalent to these derived types is restart_file_type

B. Writing Restarts

1. Domain Decomposed Restarts

When writing domain decomposed restarts, FMS sets the filename for domain decomposed restarts in the following way:

  • If the domain is a cubesphere (6 tiles) and the io_layout is (/1,1/), it will create restart files: "RESTART/filename.tile{tile_number}"
  • If the domain is a cubesphere (6 tiles) and the io_layout is (/x_layout,y_layout/), it write x_layout*y_layout restart files: "RESTART/filename.tile{tile_number}"
  • If the domain has only 1 tile and the tile number is 1, "tile{tile_number}" will not be added

Additionally, the user can append an appendix (i.e "nest{nest_number}" or ens{ensemble_number}") to the filename by calling set_filename_appendix (appendix)

  • If the domain has more than 1 tile, the appendix will be added as "RESTART/filename.appendix.tile{tile_number}"
  • If the domain has 1 tile, the appendix will added as "RESTART/"

This is how a restart file can be written with FMS_io:

use fms_io_mod,         only: restart_file_type, register_restart_field, save_restart
use mpp_domains_mod,    only: domain

integer                 :: id_restart     !< Id for restart variable
type(restart_file_type) :: fileobj        !< Fms_io fileobj
real, dimension(:,:,:)  :: variable_data  !< Variable data in the compute or data domain
type (domain2d)         :: domain         !< 2d mpp domain

id_restart = register_restart_field(fileobj, "filename", "variable_name", variable_data, domain=domain)
call save_restart(Atm_restart)


  • FMS_io named the dimensions: "xaxis_1", "yaxis_1", zaxis_1" and "Time". With FMS2_io the user can name the axis whatever they like.
  • FMS_io wrote the dimensions as variables as well. FMS2_io does not do this by default, the user can do this if they like.
  • FMS_io wrote variable attribute: "longname = {same as variable} and "units = {"none"} to all variables by default. FMS2_io does not do this by default, the user can add real meta data if they like.

This is how a restart file can be written with FMS2-io:

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, register_restart_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_restart
use mpp_domains_mod,    only: domain2d, center

type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io domain decomposed fileobj
real, dimension(:,:,:,:)    :: variable_data  !< Variable data in the compute or data domain
type (domain2d)             :: domain         !< 2d mpp domain
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(4)   !< Array of dimension names

dim_names(1) = "xaxis_1"
dim_names(2) = "yaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(4) = "Time"

!> Create domain !<
!> Create an io_domain !<

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", domain, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1), "x", position=center)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), "y", position=center)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(4), unlimited)

  call register_restart_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data, dim_names)
  call write_restart(fileobj)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • open_file
    • a logical function, outputs .true. if the file was opened successfully and .false. if it failed.
    • Mangles the filename in the same manner as fms_io
    • Opens the netcdf file to write (a nf90_create call)
    • Set ups the pelist for each io_domain
    • is_restart indicates that this is a restart file, so it adds ".res" to the filename and it allows user to use the write_restart and register_restart_field functionality
    • NOTE: The filename needs to include the full path to the file, including the directory.
  • register_axis
    • writes the dimension metadata in the netcdf file (a nf90_def_dim call)
    • The "x" and "y" argument indicate that that dimension is domain decomposed in x/y. The only acceptable values are "x" and "y".
    • The position=center indicates the position of the axis (this is the default). The other acceptable values are position=east for "x" andposition=north for "y", in this cases the data is staggered, which may be on the volume face or corner instead of at the centroid.
    • The "unlimited" indicates that the dimension is unlimited (nf90_unlimited)
    • The integer "dimsize" indicates that this is not a domain decomposed dimension with a length equal to dimsize
  • register_restart_field
    • Writes the variable metadata to the file (a nf90_def_var call)
    • Saves the data as pointers, which will be written to the netcdf file later
  • write_restart
    • Loops through the restart variables that were registered
    • Calculates and writes a global checksum for each variables
    • Writes the data to the file (a nf90_put_var call)
  • close_file
    • Cleans up the fileobj (deallocates any arrays)
    • Closes the netcdf file (a nf90_close call)

2. Unstructured Domain Restarts

Restart files with domain decomposed variables in the unstructured domain can be written using the FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t fileobj.

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t, register_restart_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_restart
use mpp_domains_mod,    only: domainug, center

type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t) :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io domain decomposed fileobj
real, dimension(:,:)        :: variable_data  !< Variable data in the unstructured domain
type (domainug)             :: domain         !< 2d mpp domain
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(3)   !< Array of dimension names

dim_names(1) = "ucdim"
dim_names(2) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "Time"

!> Create domain !<
!> Create an io_domain !<
!> Create an unstructured domain !<

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", domain, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1))
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), unlimited)

  call register_restart_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data, dim_names)
  call write_restart(fileobj)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • open_file
    • a logical function, outputs .true. if the file was opened successfully and .false. if it failed.
    • Mangles the filename: (1) Adds ".tileXX" if you are on multiple tiles (2) Adds .XXXX to the end of the file if uncombined.
    • Opens the netcdf file to write (a nf90_create call)
    • Set ups the pelist for each io_domain
    • is_restart indicates that this is a restart file, so it adds ".res" to the filename and it allows user to use the write_restart and register_restart_field functionality
    • NOTE: The filename needs to include the full path to the file, including the directory.
  • register_axis
    • writes the dimension metadata in the netcdf file (a nf90_def_dim call)
    • The lack of the third argument in the register_axis calls indicates that this dimension is in the unstructured domain
    • The "unlimited" indicates that the dimension is unlimited (nf90_unlimited)
    • The integer "dimsize" indicates that this is a normal dimension of length equal to dimsize
  • register_restart_field
    • Writes the variable metadata to the file (a nf90_def_var call)
    • Saves the data as pointers, which will be written to the netcdf file later
  • write_restart
    • Loops through the restart variables that were registered
    • Calculates and writes a global checksum for each variables
    • Writes the data to the file (a nf90_put_var call)
  • close_file
    • Cleans up the fileobj and deallocated any variables
    • Closes the netcdf file (a nf90_close call)

3. Non-domain Decomposed Restarts

Restart files without domain decomposed variables can be written using the FmsNetcdfFile_t fileobj.

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, register_restart_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_restart
use mpp_mod,            only: mpp_npes, mpp_get_current_pelist

type(FmsNetcdfFile_t)       :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io fileobj
real, dimension(:,:,:,:)    :: variable_data  !< Variable data
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(4)   !< Array of dimension names
integer, allocatable,       :: pes(:)         !< Array of the pes in the current pelist

!< Get the current pelist
call mpp_get_current_pelist(pes)

dim_names(1) = "xaxis_1"
dim_names(2) = "yaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(4) = "Time"

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", pelist=pes, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1), 96)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), 96)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(4), unlimited)

  call register_restart_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data, dim_names)
  call write_restart(fileobj)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • open_file
    • a logical function, outputs .true. if the file was opened successfully and .false. if it failed.
    • Mangles the filename: ".res" is the only thing that is added to the filename
    • Opens the netcdf file to write (a nf90_create call)
    • is_restart indicates that this is a restart file, so it adds ".res" to the filename and it allows user to use the write_restart and register_restart_field functionality
    • With the optional pelist argument, only the first rank interacts with the file (opens, writes, closes) and broadcasts the information to the rest of the ranks on the list.
    • NOTE: The filename needs to include the full path to the file, including the directory.
  • register_axis
    • writes the dimension metadata in the netcdf file (a nf90_def_dim call)
    • The "unlimited" indicates that the dimension is unlimited (nf90_unlimited)
    • The integer "dimsize" indicates that this is a normal dimension of length equal to dimsize
    • "x" and "y" cannot be added to the register_axis calls
  • register_restart_field
    • Writes the variable metadata to the file (a nf90_def_var call)
    • Saves the data as pointers, which will be written to the netcdf file later
  • write_restart
    • Loops through the restart variables that were registered
    • Calculates and writes a global checksum for each variables
    • Writes the data to the file (a nf90_put_var call)
  • close_file
    • Cleans up the fileobj
    • Closes the netcdf file (a nf90_close call)

4. Other helpful information:

  • By default, FMS2_io writes the file as nf90_64bit_offset, the user can change the netcdf file type by adding nc_format="64bit", "classic", or "netcdf4" to the open_file call (which will change the type for that file only) or by adding netcdf_default_format="64bit", "classic", or "netcdf4" to the fms2_io_nml (which will change the type for all files that don't have the nc_format in the open_file call)
  • If the user wishes to not add ".res" to filename, the user can add dont_add_res_to_filename=.true. to the open_file call
  • Variable attributes can be written by calling register_variable_attribute. Scalar and 1d real and integers (32 and 64 bit) and string values are supported
call register_variable_attribute(fileobj, "varname", "attribute_name", value)

This interface can be used with any FMS2_io fileobj, but the open_file needs to be called before using it.

A similar thing can be accomplished in fms_io with mpp_write_meta

  • Global attributes can be written by calling register_global_attribute. Scalar and 1d real and integers (32 and 64 bit) and scalar string values are supported
call register_global_attribute(fileobj, "global_attribute_name", value)

This interface can be used with any FMS2_io fileobj, but the open_file needs to be called before using it.

A similar thing can be accomplished in fms_io with mpp_write_meta

C. Reading Restarts

The restarts can be read the same way as the writes. The only difference is that "read" is used in the open_file call and read_restart is used instead of write restart.

Additionally, the register_restart_field has the optional argument, is_optional, where is .true. the code will not crash if the variable does not exist in the file when reading. *This argument is the same as mandatory in fms_io.

Other helpful information:

The following subroutines can be used with any of any of the FMS2_io fileobj.

  • Variable attributes can be read by calling get_variable_attribute. Scalar and 1d real and integers (32 and 64 bit) and string values are supported. To check if a variable attribute exists before reading, the logical function variable_att_exists can be used
if (variable_att_exists(fileobj, "varname", "attribute_name")) then
   call get_variable_attribute(fileobj, "varname", "attribute_name", value)

A similar thing can be accomplished in fms_io with get_vart_att_value

  • Global attributes can be read by calling get_global_attribute. Scalar and 1d real and integers (32 and 64 bit) and scalar string values are supported. To check if a global attribute exist before reading, the logical function global_att_exists can be used.
if (global_att_exists(fileobj, "global_attribute_name)) then
   call get_global_attribute(fileobj, "global_attribute_name", value)

A similar thing can be accomplished in fms_io with get_global_att_value

Sample usage:

ndims_file = get_num_dimensions(fileobj)
call get_dimension_names(fileobj, dim_names_file)

call get_unlimited_dimension_name(fileobj, dimension_name)
if (is_dimension_unlimited(fileobj, "dimension_name")) call mpp_error(FATAL, "dimension_name is not an unlimited dimension")

if (dimension_exists(fileobj, "dimension_name")) then
    call get_dimension_size(fileobj, "dimension_name", dimsize)

A similar thing can be accomplished with fms_io with mpp_get_info

Sample usage:

nvar = get_num_variables(fileobj)

call get_variable_names(fileobj, var_names)

if (variable_exists(fileobj, "varname")) then
   ndims = get_variable_num_dimensions(fileobj, "varname")

   call get_variable_size(fileobj, "varname", dim_sizes)

   call get_variable_dimension_names(fileobj, "varname", dim_names)

A similar thing can be accomplished with fms_io with mpp_get_info and/or field_size

D. Reading/Writting Non-restarts

Reading and writing netcdf files that are not restarts can be done using read_data and write_data calls.

1. Domain decomposed read/write:

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, register_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_data
use mpp_domains_mod,    only: domain2d, center

type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io domain decomposed fileobj
real, dimension(:,:,:,:)    :: variable_data  !< Variable data in the compute or data domain
type (domain2d)             :: domain         !< 2d mpp domain
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(4)   !< Array of dimension names

dim_names(1) = "xaxis_1"
dim_names(2) = "yaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(4) = "Time"

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", domain)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1), "x", position=center)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), "y", position=center)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(4), unlimited)

  call register_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', 'variable_type', dim_names)
  call write_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data)
  call close_file(fileobj)

Difference from writing restarts:

  • open_file does not have is_restart=.true., so the write_restart functionality cannot be used'
  • register_field is basically a wrapper for nf90_def_var which just adds the variable metadata to the file.
    • "variable_type" is a string which indicates the type you want the variable to be written as. The acceptable values are "int", "int64", "double", "float", and "char"
  • write_data
    • The ranks send their data to the io_root pe. The io_root pe receives the data and writes it to the file.

Similarly for domain reads:

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "read", domain)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1), "x", position=center)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), "y", position=center)

  call read_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • register_axis is required for the domain decomposed dimensions so the code knows which dimensions and therefore variables are domain decomposed.
  • register_field is not required because the code can get the dimensions information from the file.
  • read_data
    • The io_root pe reads the data and sends it to the other pes.

2. Unstructured Domain non-restart read/writes

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t, register_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_data
use mpp_domains_mod,    only: domainug, center

type(FmsNetcdfUnstructuredDomainFile_t) :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io domain decomposed fileobj
real, dimension(:,:)        :: variable_data  !< Variable data in the unstructured domain
type (domainug)             :: domain         !< 2d mpp domain
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(3)   !< Array of dimension names

dim_names(1) = "ucdim"
dim_names(2) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "Time"

!> Create domain !<
!> Create an io_domain !<
!> Create an unstructured domain !<

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", domain, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1))
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), unlimited)

  call register_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', 'variable_type', dim_names)
  call write_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data)
  call close_file(fileobj)

Difference from writing restarts:

  • open_file does not have is_restart=.true., so the write_restart functionality cannot be used'
  • register_field is basically a wrapper for nf90_def_var which just adds the variable metadata to the file.
    • "variable_type" is a string which indicates the type you want the variable to be written as. The acceptable values are "int", "int64", "double", "float", and "char"
  • write_data
    • The ranks send their data to the io_root pe. The io_root pe receives the data and writes it to the file.

Similarly for reads:

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "read", domain, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1))
  call write_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • register_axis is required for the dimensions that are on the unstructured domain, so the code knows which dimensions and therefore variables are in the unstructured domain
  • register_field is not required because the code can get the dimensions information from the file.
  • read_data
    • The io_root pe reads the data and sends it to the other pes.

3. Non-domain decomposed read/writes

Writing non-domain decomposed files is similar to writing domain decomposed files:

use fms2_io_mod,        only: FmsNetcdfFile_t, register_restart_field, register_axis, unlimited
use fms2_io_mod,        only: open_file, close_file, write_restart
use mpp_mod,            only: mpp_npes, mpp_get_current_pelist

type(FmsNetcdfFile_t)       :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io fileobj
real, dimension(:,:,:,:)    :: variable_data  !< Variable data
character(len=8)            :: dim_names(4)   !< Array of dimension names
integer, allocatable,       :: pes(:)         !< Array of the pes in the current pelist

!< Get the current pelist
call mpp_get_current_pelist(pes)

dim_names(1) = "xaxis_1"
dim_names(2) = "yaxis_1"
dim_names(3) = "zaxis_1"
dim_names(4) = "Time"

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", pelist=pes, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(1), 96)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(2), 96)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(3), dimsize)
  call register_axis(fileobj, dim_names(4), unlimited)

  call register_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', 'variable_type', dim_names)
  call write_data(fileobj)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • open_file - the pelist argument is needed so that only the root pe writes the file
  • register_axis is needed so that the code knows the size of each dimension
  • register_field is needed so that the code knows what dimensions the variable is a function of
  • write_data: the root pe in the pelist writes the data

To read non-domain decomposed restarts:

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "read", pelist=pes, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call read_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • Here the register_axis and register_field calls are not needed because the code can get the dimensions from the file

Additionally, the corner and edge_lengths optional arguments in the read_data calls can be used to read only a section of a file.

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "read", pelist=pes, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call read_data(fileobj, 'variable_name', variable_data, corner=(/10,2,2,3/), edge_lengths=(/2, 3, 4, 1/))
  call close_file(fileobj)

Here the code is going to start reading at x=10, y=2, z=2, t=3 and read 2, 3, 4, 1 points in each direction. Note that variable_data must be the correct size or the code will fail.

Additionally, it is possible to do "compressed" reads and writes. Here "compressed" is when different ranks have different numbers of points for a specific axis. For example:

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", pelist=pes, is_restart=.true.)) then
  call register_axis(fileobj, "xaxis_1", mpp_pe()+1, is_compressed=.true.)
  call register_axis(fileobj, "yaxis_1", mpp_pe()+1, is_compressed=.true.)

  call register_field(fileobj, 'variable_name', 'variable_type', dim_names)
  call write_data(fileobj)
  call close_file(fileobj)
  • Because is_compressed=.true., the root pe is going to gather the dimension size of each rank and add them to get the total length of the dimension. In the example above, rank 0 has a x/y axis of 1, rank 1 has a x/y of 2. The total dimension size of x/y is equal to 3 (the sum for all pes).

E. Coupler Type Restarts

coupler_type_register_restarts permits interating a list of variables in the coupler_type and register each variable to the corresponding restart file and then read/write the file.

1. Reading coupler_type restarts

In FMS_io, this was accomplished as:

type(coupler_2d_bc_type)              :: bc_type
type(restart_file_type), pointer  :: bc_rest_files(:)=> null() !< Array of fms2_io fileobjs

call coupler_type_register_restarts(bc_type, bc_rest_files, num_rest_files, domain)
do l = 1, num_rest_files
   call restore_state(bc_rest_files(l), directory='INPUT', &

In FMS2_io, this can be accomplished as:

type(coupler_2d_bc_type)              :: bc_type
type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t), pointer  :: bc_rest_files(:)=> null() !< Array of fms2_io fileobjs

call coupler_type_register_restarts(bc_type, bc_rest_files, num_rest_files, domain, to_read=.true.)

do l = 1, num_rest_files
   call read_restart(bc_rest_files(l))
   call close_file(bc_rest_files(l))

Note: num_rest_files is set inside coupler_type_register_restarts

Difference from fms_io

  • to_read was added to the coupler_type_register_restarts subroutine
  • coupler_type_register_restarts loops through the variables in the coupler_type, opens the file needed, register the axis, and registers the restart_variables.
  • The file should be closed after writing it by calling close_file
  • It is required that the domain has an io_domain or the code will fail

2. Writting coupler type restarts

This is done the same way as the reads expect write_restart is used instead of read_restart.

F. Boundary Conditions Restarts

Both FMS_io and FMS2_io have the functionality where one can read or write data where only some pes have a section of the data (i.e halos).

In FMS_io this was accomplished as:

type(restart_file_type) :: fileobj        !< Fms_io fileobj

id_restart = register_restart_field(fileobj, "filename", "variable_name", variable_data, indices, global_size, pelist, is_root_pe)

call save_restart_border(fileobj)
call free_restart_type(fileobj)

In FMS2_io this can be accomplished as:

type(FmsNetcdfFile_t)       :: fileobj        !< Fms2_io fileobj

if (open_file(fileobj, "filename", "overwrite", is_restart=.true., pelist=all_pelist)) then
    call register_restart_field(fileobj, "variable_name", variable_data, indices, global_size, pelist, is_root_pe)
    call write_restart_bc(fileobj)
    call close_file(fileobj)
  • indices are the starting and indices of the region for that pe (starting x, ending x, starting y, ending y)
  • global_size is the size of the variable in (x,y,z)
  • pelist is the list of pelist that have the data for the variable
  • is_root_pe is a flag indicating if this is the root_pe from the pelist

Difference between FMS2_io and FMS_io:

G. Ascii_io

1. Writing ascii files

With fms_io, ascii writes can be accomplished with a combination of mpp_open, mpp_close from mpp_io and write.

integer :: unit_number
call mpp_open( unit_number, 'filename', nohdrs=.TRUE. )
if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) write (unit_number, *) 'FMS2_io is flawless and works as inteded'
call mpp_close(unit_number)

With FMS2_io, there is no real support for ascii writes. The user can use fortran's open, write and close. For example,

integer :: unit_number

if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) then
   open(newunit = unit_number, file='filename', status='replace', form='formatted')
   write (unit_number, *) 'FMS2_io is flawless and works as inteded'
   close (unit_number)
  • The if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() ) ensures that the file is only written once.
  • The newunit ensures that an unused unit number is used.

2. Reading ascii files

With fms_io:

  • Opening an ascii file was accomplished with mpp_open, open_namelist_file or open calls.
  • Reading an ascii file was accomplished with read_data, read_distributed or read calls.
  • Closing an ascii file was sometimes done with mpp_close, close_file or close calls.

With FMS2_io, ascii reads can be accomplished using ascii_reads. In ascii_reads, the root_pe opens and reads the file into a a string buffer and broadcasts it to the other ranks. Each rank can then read from the buffer. For example:

character(len=:), dimension(:), allocatable :: restart_file !< Restart file saved as a string

call ascii_read('INPUT/coupler.res', restart_file)
read(restart_file(1), *) calendar_type
read(restart_file(2), *) date_init
read(restart_file(3), *) date

G. FMS2_io namelist

  • ncchksz: Sets chunksize (in bytes) argument in netcdf file creation calls. The default is 64*1024.
  • netcdf_default_format: Sets the netcdf file type. The acceptable values are "64bit", "classic", "netcdf4". This can be overwritten per file if you specify nc_format in the open_file call. The default is 64bit.
  • header_buffer_val: Sets the netCDF header buffer size(in bytes). The default is 16384 bytes.