Workflows are a key model that we can use in many different purposes in big data analytics and big data platforms. Workflows are well-known and well-developed.
Business workflow focusing
Scientific workfow focuses on running jobs in computing
so what is interesting of workflow for big data platforms: obviously like business, ..
however the interesting is the combination of many different services for various combined goals in big data
- deploy resources and run analytics at the same time
- analytics and connect to business
- human in the loop
In a big data platform, workflows can be used for
- Data Processing: data analytics, extraction, transformation, data transfers
- Machine learning: collecting data, orchestrating training experiments, implementing tasks in serving machine learning algorithms
- Automation in big data platforms: service deployment, elasticity, incident management
- Service integration with big data platforms: integration with customer service, communications of analytics
For example, a security-related information and metrics from distributed customers consists of multiple tasks, from data ingestion to notification to data analytics.
Before using workflows, we should note the terms
Workflows: coordinates many tasks, tasks are not really “carried out” by workflows workflow can be simple, like a pipeline of a sequence of tasks or complex with fork/loop
Workflow Engine
Tasks or Activities: task can be simple or complex (e.g., a task running an AI algorithm). Tasks are performed by software and humans triggers and sinks can be humans
Invoked Applications: Task Workers
In many cases, we also use the term "data workflows": which means that the workflow is a set of activities dealing with data. We also call data pipelines.
Big Data Pipeline: often we use big data pipeline to tell how different components are linked together to support big data. Atop of such components, many workflows can be executed. However, big data pipelines can also use to specify tasks (data pipelines).
To be successful for different applications, workflows need rich connectors to various data sources. To be able to support different scenarios of big data, we need big data computation engines for running different workload: ML and (batch/stream) big data processing. Such engines and workflow tasks require highly dynamic, powerful underlying cloud infrastructures.
There are many frameworks for workflows. From the study we can focus on some common ones like:
- Apache Oozie: designed to work with Hadoop: orchestrating Hadoop jobs it is important if you need to manage a lot of Hadoop/MapReduce jobs Fluent Job API & XML-based workflows
- Serverless-based: Function-as-a-Service e.g., Microsoft, Google, AWS serverless/function-as-a-service
- Apache Airflow: a generic workflow framework
- Argo Workflow: Workflows for managing machine learning pipelines
- Simple BTS Alarms and Camera Upload