Full-stack protected stateful middlebox at lightning speed.
The project is still under development. All core functionalities have been implemented and tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Intel SGX Linux SDK 2.6.
Notice: This project currently has a critical bug in the etap component, which is causing segment fault while receiving packets. Bug fixing is still in progress.
Recommended environment: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with gcc version 7.4.0 or higher. The CPU has to be SGX-enabled.
- Set up necessary dependency:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential git libpcap-dev
- SGX installation:
Please follow the instructions at Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions for Linux* OS
git clone [this repo]
cd LightBox
There are currently four sample middleboxes at src/instances
- helloworld
- lwIDS
- mIDS
The sample gateway is also provided at src/gateway_cli
- Ruochen Wang, City University of Hong Kong, ruochwang2-c@cityu.edu.hk
- Huayi Duan, City University of Hong Kong, hy.duan@my.cityu.edu.hk