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Sebastian Raschka, last updated: 05/13/2015

Useful programs and tools for protein science

#Table of Contents

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Protein-ligand docking and scoring

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AutoDock 4.2

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License: free, open-source (GNU GPL)

A molecular docking and scoring tool that uses a computationally (relatively) inexpensive "hybrid" force field that contains terms based on molecular mechanics as well as empirical terms. The prediction of absolute binding energies may be less accurate compared to more computationally expensive, purely force field-based methods, but this semi-empirical approach is considered as well-suited for the relative rankings.

It was succeeded by AutoDock Vina, which replaced the semi-empirical force field by an entirely knowledge-based, statistical scoring function. The authors highlight the improved speed and accuracy of AutoDock Vina, however, AutoDock 4.2 provides a more detailed output that might be useful for certain applications.


Huey, Ruth, Garrett M. Morris, Arthur J. Olson, and David S. Goodsell. 2007. “A Semiempirical Free Energy Force Field with Charge-Based Desolvation.” Journal of Computational Chemistry 28 (6): 1145–52. doi:10.1002/jcc.20634.

Usage for re-scoring:

Since the procedure involves several steps, please an usage example in this separate document.

Example output:

Total Intermolecular Interaction Energy          =  -3.1862 kcal/mol
Total Intermolecular vdW + Hbond + desolv Energy =  -0.2499 kcal/mol
Total Intermolecular Electrostatic Energy        =  -2.9362 kcal/mol
Total Intermolecular + Intramolecular Energy     =  -5.6314 kcal/mol

epdb: USER    Estimated Free Energy of Binding    =   -1.40 kcal/mol  [=(1)+(2)+(3)-(4)]
epdb: USER    Estimated Inhibition Constant, Ki   =   94.72 mM (millimolar)  [Temperature = 298.15 K]
epdb: USER    
epdb: USER    (1) Final Intermolecular Energy     =   -3.19 kcal/mol
epdb: USER        vdW + Hbond + desolv Energy     =   -0.25 kcal/mol
epdb: USER        Electrostatic Energy            =   -2.94 kcal/mol
epdb: USER    (2) Final Total Internal Energy     =   -2.45 kcal/mol
epdb: USER    (3) Torsional Free Energy           =   +1.79 kcal/mol
epdb: USER    (4) Unbound System's Energy  [=(2)] =   -2.45 kcal/mol


AutoDock 4.2 Release 

AutoDock Vina

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License: free, open-source (Apache license)

The successor of AutoDock4.2 for docking and re-scoring protein-ligand complexes with a scoring function that estimates the binding affinities, as well as individual terms, such as hydrophobic contribution and hydrogen bonding.


O. Trott, A. J. Olson, AutoDock Vina: improving the speed and accuracy of docking with a new scoring function, efficient optimization and multithreading, Journal of Computational Chemistry 31 (2010) 455-461

Usage for re-scoring:

vina --config config.txt --score_only

Where a config.txt file has to be prepared for every protein-ligand complex, e.g.,

receptor = protein.pdbqt
ligand = ligand.pdbqt
center_x = -2.491 # Center of Grid points X
center_y = 30.038 # Center of Grid points Y
center_z = -10.765 # Center of Grid points Z
size_x = 25 # Number of Grid points in X direction
size_y = 25 # Number of Grid points in Y Direction
size_z = 25 # Number of Grid points in Z Direction

The required pdbqt files can be generated via e.g., OpenBabel or AutoDock's MGLTools.
For more details, please see the documentation for


vina --version
AutoDock Vina 1.1.2 (May 11, 2011)


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License: free without any limitations (redistribution requires permission)

DrugScoreX is a new, independent DrugScore implementation with higher accuracy for scoring protein-ligand complexes. It's scoring function is based on statistical potentials.


DSX: A Knowledge-Based Scoring Function for the Assessment of Protein–Ligand Complexes Gerd Neudert and Gerhard Klebe Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2011 51 (10), 2731-2745


dsx_mac_64.mac -h


pro_file    :  A pdb or mol2 file of your protein.
              In pdb format metals in this file will be treated as part
              of the protein. => Be sure to delete metals in the pdb file
              if you want to supply some metals seperately (-M met_file)!
              All other HETATMs will be ignored!
              In mol2 format everything will be taken as part of the
              protein. => Be sure to delete molecules you want to supply
              seperately (-C, -W, -M) from the protein-mol2-file!
lig_file    :  A mol2- or autodock dlg-file containing all molecules that
              should be scored.


dsx_mac_64.mac -h

| 'DSX'           Knowledge-based scoring function for the assessment       |
|                 of receptor-ligand interactions                           |
|  author     :   Gerd Neudert                                              |
|  supervisor :   Prof. Dr. G. Klebe                       ___    _ _       |
|  mailto     :             ))_    )\`)      |
|  version    :   0.88   (26.04.2011)                     ((_( o ((\( o     |


dsx_mac_64.mac -P protein.pdb -L ligand.mol2 -D pdb_pot_0511

The directory with the PDB potentials is typically located in the main directory after downloading DrugScoreX

	mac64/ 			  # directory that contains the binaries
	pdb_pot_0511/     # potentials


[back to top]

License: free, open-source (GNU GPL)

Like DrugScore, a scoring function for protein-ligand complexes based on statistical potentials. It is available as standalone (IMP toolkit) and as webserver.

The two flavors are RankScore, which is recommended for scoring different ligands in a protein-binding interface (e.g., for virtual screening), and PoseScore, for finding the optimal binding pose of a set of ligand decoys (i.e., the same ligand in different orientations/conformations).

Website: (for IMP package)


Fan H, Schneidman-Duhovny D, Irwin J, Dong GQ, Shoichet B, Sali A. Statistical Potential for Modeling and Ranking of Protein-Ligand Interactions. J Chem Inf Model. 2011, 51:3078-92.


Requires installation of the IMP toolkit

ligand_score -h
Usage: ligand_score file.mol2 file.pdb [libfile]

Where protein_ligand_pose_score.lib is used for scoring different ligand poses (PoseScore) for the same protein-ligand complex, and protein_ligand_rank_score.lib (RankScore) is used to score different ligands for a given binding interface.

(On a Mac, the library files are typically located at: /usr/local/share/IMP/atom/protein_ligand_pose_score.lib and /usr/local/share/IMP/atom/protein_ligand_rank_score.lib)

"Two different scoring files are provided: - protein_ligand_pose_score.lib for use when one wants to find the most near-native poses of a ligand from many geometry decoys of the same ligand - protein_ligand_rank_score.lib for use when screening a compound database against a single protein to choose putative binders"


(On a Mac, the library files are typically located at: /usr/local/share/IMP/atom/protein_ligand_pose_score.lib and /usr/local/share/IMP/atom/protein_ligand_rank_score.lib)


ligand_score my.mol2 my.pdb /usr/local/share/IMP/atom/protein_ligand_pose_score.lib


Not individually available for ligand_score, see IMP version (IMP 2.2.0).

DOCK 6 Amber Score

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License: Available free of charge for academic institutions, but there is a licensing fee for industrial organizations.

DOCK 6 is a docking tool that also offers several different scoring functions that can be used for re-scoring already docked protein-ligand complexes. Below is an example for how to use Amber score (more details can be found in the DOCK6 manual at

dock6 -h

DOCK v6.7

Released February 2015
Copyright UCSF

	dock6 -i [-o filename.out] [-v]


Amber score performs minimization, a Molecular Dynamics simulation, energy minimization on protein ligand complex, and a more detailed tutorial about how the score is calculated from the different energy terms can be found at

For the following example, assume that we have prepared the protein and ligand accordingly, i.e., we removed ligands, metals, and water molecules from the protein PDB file and assigned the correct protonations states for histidine residues. lig.mol2 1a9x.pdb

(The perl script should be located in the directory of the DOCK6 binary files, dock6/bin)

Next, we create a file that has the following contents:

ligand_atom_file                                             lig.amber_score.mol2
limit_max_ligands                                            no
skip_molecule                                                no
read_mol_solvation                                           no
calculate_rmsd                                               no
use_database_filter                                          no
orient_ligand                                                no
use_internal_energy                                          no
flexible_ligand                                              no
bump_filter                                                  no
score_molecules                                              yes
contact_score_primary                                        no
contact_score_secondary                                      no
grid_score_primary                                           no
grid_score_secondary                                         no
multigrid_score_primary                                      no
multigrid_score_secondary                                    no
dock3.5_score_primary                                        no
dock3.5_score_secondary                                      no
continuous_score_primary                                     no
continuous_score_secondary                                   no
descriptor_score_primary                                     no
descriptor_score_secondary                                   no
gbsa_zou_score_primary                                       no
gbsa_zou_score_secondary                                     no
gbsa_hawkins_score_primary                                   no
gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary                                 no
SASA_descriptor_score_primary                                no
SASA_descriptor_score_secondary                              no
amber_score_primary                                          yes
amber_score_secondary                                        no
amber_score_receptor_file_prefix                             1a9x
amber_score_movable_region                                   ligand
amber_score_minimization_rmsgrad                             0.01
amber_score_before_md_minimization_cycles                    100
amber_score_md_steps                                         3000
amber_score_after_md_minimization_cycles                     100
amber_score_gb_model                                         5
amber_score_nonbonded_cutoff                                 18.0
amber_score_temperature                                      300.0
amber_score_abort_on_unprepped_ligand                        yes
ligand_outfile_prefix                                        output
write_orientations                                           no
num_scored_conformers                                        1
rank_ligands                                                 no

In the last step, we use the dock6 executable to re-score the complex using the file.

dock6 -i > dock.out 

At the bottom of the dock.out file, we find the Amber scores:

Molecule: *****

Elapsed time for docking:  34 seconds

Anchors:       1
Orientations:      1
Conformations:     1

Amber Score:          -19.431744
    complex:        50250.946122
   receptor:       -50307.949484
     ligand:           37.571619

1 Molecules Processed
Total elapsed time: 41 seconds


DOCK v6.7

Protein file and structure processing

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License: free, open-source (GNU GPL)

A conversion tool for different file formats. Comes with standalone binaries and APIs for various programming languages.


O'Boyle, Noel M., Michael Banck, Craig A. James, Chris Morley, Tim Vandermeersch, and Geoffrey R. Hutchison. “Open Babel: An Open Chemical Toolbox.” J Cheminf 3 (2011): 33.


babel -H
Open Babel converts chemical structures from one file format to another

Usage: babel <input spec> <output spec> [Options]


babel -i mol2 my.mol2 -o pdbqt my.pdbqt


No output file or format spec!
Open Babel 2.3.1 -- Oct 13 2011 -- 15:14:47


[back to top]

License: free, but no particular license provided

A command-line tool that adds/removes hydrogen-atoms to/from proteins and ligands in PDB format.


Word, et al.(1999) "Asparagine and glutamine: using hydrogen atom contacts in the choice of sidechain amide orientation" J. Mol. Biol. 285, 1735-1747.


~/Desktop >./reduce -h
reduce: version 3.23 05/21/2013, Copyright 1997-2013, J. Michael Word
arguments: [-flags] filename or -

Suggested usage:
reduce -FLIP myfile.pdb > myfileFH.pdb (do NQH-flips)
reduce -NOFLIP myfile.pdb > myfileH.pdb (do NOT do NQH-flips)

-FLIP             add H and rotate and flip NQH groups
-NOFLIP           add H and rotate groups with no NQH flips
-Trim             remove (rather than add) hydrogens

-NUClear          use nuclear X-H distances rather than default
                  electron cloud distances
-NOOH             remove hydrogens on OH and SH groups
-OH               add hydrogens on OH and SH groups (default)

-HIS              create NH hydrogens on HIS rings
-FLIPs            allow complete ASN, GLN and HIS sidechains to flip
                        (usually used with -HIS)


reduce -v

Ligand Structures

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License: commercial and academic licenses

OpenEye OMEGA is a tool that uses a knowledge-based approach to generate hundreds of low-energy conformers of a ligand structure. The emphasis is on efficiency (approx. 2 sec/molecule on a machine with a 2.4 Ghz CPU, 4 GB RAM) and the quality of the generated conformers has been thoroughly validated.

The approach for low-energy conformer generation by OMEGA can be described in 3 basic steps: First, the creation of an initial 3-dimensional structure based on a fragment library, generation of a large set of conformers based on the number of rotational torsion angles, and sampling using geometric criteria and a energy scoring function based on a simplified MMFF94 force field.


Hawkins, Paul C. D., A. Geoffrey Skillman, Gregory L. Warren, Benjamin A. Ellingson, and Matthew T. Stahl. “Conformer Generation with OMEGA: Algorithm and Validation Using High Quality Structures from the Protein Databank and Cambridge Structural Database.” Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 50, no. 4 (April 26, 2010): 572–84. doi:10.1021/ci100031x.


/soft/linux64/openeye/bin/omega2 \
-in ligand.mol2 \
-out confs.mol2 \
-warts true \
-fraglib /soft/linux64/openeye/data/omega2/fraglib.oeb.gz \
-commentEnergy true	
  • -commentEnergy: writes - conformer energy in kcal/mol to be written in the comment field for each conformer.
  • -warts true: generates unique titles for conformers (appending underscore and the integer corresponding to the rank order number of the conformer in the final ensemble).

For more info, please use

  • omega2 --help simple : Get a list of simple parameters
  • omega2 --help all : Get a complete list of parameters

Version: Omega v. 3.14


[back to top]

License: commercial and academic licenses

OpenEye ROCS is a tool for overlaying chemical structures with a target molecule based on smilarities of shape and chemistry.

The rapid generation of overlays and its support for multiprocessing makes it a feasible tool for virtual screening - OpenEye reports that about 20-40 molecules per second can be overlayed using a single CPU of a standard computer (2.4 Ghz CPU, 4 GB RAM).

The result of a ROCS run consists of the overlayed compounds in common structure formats such as MOL2 as well as a report file with various different scores that can be used to rank the overlayed compounds based on volumetrical and chemistry matches.


Hawkins, P.C.D.; Skillman, A.G. and Nicholls, A., Comparison of Shape-Matching and Docking as Virtual Screening Tools, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 50, pp. 74-82, 2007.


/soft/linux64/openeye/bin/rocs \
-query query.mol2 \
-dbase db.mol2 \
-randomstarts 20 -stats best -besthits 0 -maxhits 0 -maxconfs 1 \
-rankby TanimotoCombo \
-mcquery \
-prefix /home/user/my_dir/my_rocs_run \    
-cutoff 0.5 \
-reportfile /home/user/my_dir/my_rocs_run.rpt -oformat mol2 -report one

Detailed documentation and more command line options can be found here.

Energy Minimization

Fast and efficient minimization via OpenEye Szybki


An example for optimizing the hydrogen atoms in a protein-ligand complex. Here, only the protein hydrogen atoms in the 5-Angstrom neighborhood of the ligand (via polarH 5) are optimized as well as the ligand's hydrogen atoms (via -optGeometry Honly). Except for the hydrogen atoms, the ligand is treated as a rigid body that can undergo transitional and not conformational change during the optimization.

szybki -ligands <your_lig.mol2> \
-protein <your_prot.pdb> \
-out <out.mol2> \
-out_protein <prot.pdb> \
-optGeometry Honly \
-polarH 5

See the full documentation of OpenEye Szybki v. 1.8.

Crystal structure analysis

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License: free, open-source (MIT license)

A PyMOL plugin with a GUI and command line interface that finds conserved water molecules in a protein X-ray crystal structure.

Documentation and code:

Mass Spectrometry

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License: free, open-source (no particular license mentioned)

A library of GUI and command line tools for proteomics analyses



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License: free, open-source (BSD)

A C++ library for LC/MS data management and analysis.


Marc Sturm, Andreas Bertsch, Clemens Gröpl, Andreas Hildebrandt, Rene Hussong, Eva Lange, Nico Pfeifer, Ole Schulz-Trieglaff, Alexandra Zerck, Knut Reinert, and Oliver Kohlbacher, 2008. “OpenMS – an Open-Source Software Framework for Mass Spectrometry” BMC Bioinformatics 9: 163. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-163.


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License: free, open-source (very permissive custom license)

A collection of different tools written in Python



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License: free, open-source (BSD)

A Python package with various functions, data structures, and algorithms for biosciences written in Python.



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License: free, open-source (GPL)

A fast Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm for identifying genes in a microbial genome.



Hyatt D, Chen GL, Locascio PF, Land ML, Larimer FW, Hauser LJ. Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010 Mar 8;11(1):119.


License: free, open-source (BSD)

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A library for assembling short-read DNA sequences via k-mer counting, filtering and graph traversal FTW.


Crusoe et al., The khmer software package: enabling efficient sequence analysis. 2014.


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A web-tool for visualizing and comparing high-throughput Genome sequencing data.


Florin Chelaru, Llewellyn Smith, Naomi Goldstein, Héctor Corrada Bravo. Epiviz: interactive visual analytics for functional genomics data. Nature Methods, 2014; DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.3038