Tech stack: Next.js + Tailwind + DaisyUI + Tiptap + PocketBase + AWS SES + ChatGPT
BeeNote is a web application for language learning, showcasing several open source web dev libraries including Next.js, DaisyUI and PocketBase.
- app directory introduced in next.js 13 for routing.
- CRUD operations for user accounts and contents.
- Audio recording and file uploading.
- TailwindCSS and DaisyUI for styling.
- Rich text editor built with Tiptap.
- PocketBase for database and user authentication.
- AWS SES for email sending.
- ChatGPT for AI writing.
- Dark theme support.
For more details see this blog post.
- Add more signup options with OAuth2 providers.
- Implement batch delete when PocketBase implemented such functionality.
- Add helpful features like keypad for different languages.
- Implement drag-and-sort for alphabets and vocabularies.