The straightforward package manager for Emacs. Download and run packages directly from source. Jump straight to package code and hack away with no manual rebuilds required.
Add the following code to initialize the package management system:
(let ((repos-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "straight/repos/")))
(unless (file-exists-p (concat repos-dir "straight.el"))
(make-directory repos-dir 'parents)
(message "Cloning repository \"straight.el\"...")
(unless (= 0 (call-process
"git" nil nil nil "clone" "--recursive"
(concat repos-dir "straight.el"))))
(error "Could not clone straight.el"))
(message "Cloning repository \"straight.el\"...done"))
(load (concat repos-dir "straight.el/bootstrap.el")
nil 'nomessage))
To improve efficiency, put the following code somewhere it is guaranteed to be run every time your init-file is loaded, even if there is an error:
To gain access to additional features, put the following code at the end of your init-file, so it is only run if init finishes without errors:
has out-of-the-box support
and Emacsmirror. Any package from those repositories
can be installed and activated immediately by adding a
form to your init-file and evaluating it
or C-x C-e
(straight-use-package 'cider) ; from MELPA
(straight-use-package 'seq) ; only available on GNU ELPA
(straight-use-package 'a2ps-multibyte) ; only available from Emacsmirror
To install a package temporarily, run M-x straight-use-package
and select a package from the list.
makes it trivial to hack on packages. If you have
your own fork of projectile
on Github, specify it
like this (yes, it's a MELPA recipe, and you can
check out existing recipes with M-x straight-get-recipe
(straight-use-package '(projectile :fetcher github
:repo "your-name/projectile"))
Evaluating this won't overwrite the existing repository, if you
already installed Projectile -- straight.el
never messes with your
code. To switch to your fork, all you have to do is add a
remote directly to the Git repository:
allows you to freely commit and branch in your
package's Git repositories.
comes with out-of-the-box integration with
. First, install use-package
(straight-use-package 'use-package)
Now :ensure
will automatically use straight.el
(use-package projectile
:ensure t)
You can provide a recipe via the :recipe
(use-package projectile
:ensure t
:recipe (:fetcher github
:repo "your-name/projectile"))
Specifying :ensure
is unnecessary if you add this configuration:
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)
is a drop-in replacement for quelpa-use-package
Simply replace :quelpa
with :recipe
. It also has support for
deferred installation with :defer-install
To update your packages, simply run M-x straight-update-package
or M-x straight-update-all
aims to allow complete reproducibility for your
configuration. To export the versions of all packages in use, run
M-x straight-freeze-versions
. To revert to the versions listed
in the exported file, run M-x straight-thaw-versions
. (In future,
will automatically checkout the listed versions of
packages when you run your config on a fresh machine. Coming