High Performance Combinatorics in C++ using vector instructions v1.0.3
HPCombi is a C++17 header-only library using the SSE and AVX instruction sets, and some equivalents, for very fast manipulation of small combinatorial objects such as transformations, permutations, and boolean matrices. HPCombi implements new algorithms and benchmarks them on various compilers and architectures.
HPCombi was initially designed using the SSE and AVX instruction sets, and did not work on machines without these instructions (such as ARM). From v1 HPCombi supports processors with other instruction sets also, via SIMD Everywhere. It might be the case that the greatest performance gains are achieved on processors supporting the SSE and AVX instruction sets, but the HPCombi benchmarks indicate that there are also still significant gains on other processors too.
- Florent Hivert florent.hivert@lisn.fr
- James Mitchell jdm3@st-andrews.ac.uk
- Reinis Cirpons rc234@st-andrews.ac.uk : CI
- Jean-Baptiste Rouquier jrouquie@gmail.com : improvements to the doc
- Joe Edwards jde1@st-andrews.ac.uk : improvements to the CI
- Finn Smith fls3@st-andrews.ac.uk : discussions + BMat8 reference code
- Viviane Pons viviane.pons@lri.fr : algorithms discussions
- Daniel Vanzo daniel.vanzo@lri.fr : GPU experiments
- See the Doxygen generated doc
- The development of HPCombi was partly funded by the OpenDreamKit Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructure project (#676541), which the authors acknowledge with thanks.
- Thanks also to the SIMD everywhere and catch2 authors and contributors for their excellent libraries!