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+title: Hole Punching
+weight: 3
+## Background
+### Types of nodes
+Nodes on a peer-to-peer network can be categorized into two groups:
+public and non-public. Public nodes are those nodes that have unobstructed
+access to the internet, whereas non-public nodes are located behind some kind
+of firewall. This applies to most nodes in home and in corporate network,
+as well as mobile phones. In most configurations, both public and non-public
+nodes can dial connections to other public nodes. However, it's not possible
+to establish a connection from the public internet to a non-public node.
+### How can a node become dialable despite being behind a firewall and/or NAT?
+Here are a few methods that nodes can use to dial a non-public node:
+- UPnP (Universal Plug and Play): A protocol spoken between routers and computers
+ inside the network. It allows the computer to request that certain ports be
+ opened and forward to that computer.
+- Port forwarding: Manually configuring a port forwarding on a router.
+### Limitations
+In many settings, UPnP is disabled by the router or a firewall.
+UPnP may also not work depending on the router's firmware.
+Manually opening a port requires technical expertise and does not
+enforce authentication or authorization.
+### Possible solution: hole punching
+#### Relaying overview
+Relaying is a mechanism used to send information between two ends.
+In the case of non-public nodes:
+Node A maintains a permanent connection to a relay node, R, and when node B
+wants to connect to node A, it first establishes a connection to node R,
+where R forwards all the packets on the connection. Relaying adds additional
+latency and is resource intensive as node R needs to handle a lot of traffic.
+Using a relay node also requires technical expertise.
+#### What if we could use node R to help facilitate a **direct connection** between node A and node B?
+In the case where the other options aren't sufficient, networks can
+use a technique called hole punching to establish connections with
+non-public nodes.
+Each node connects to a relay node and shares its external address and port
+information. The server temporarily stores the node's
+information and relays each node's information to the other. Clients can
+use this information to establish direct connections with each other.
+Take two nodes, `A` and `B`, that would like the dial each other:
+1. The first packet of both nodes (e.g., in the case of TCP, an SYN)
+ passes through their respective routers.
+2. The routers add a 5-tuple to their router's state table.
+ {{% notice "info" %}}
+ A router state table (routing table) is data store within a router that lists
+ the routes to particular network destinations.
+ The 5-tuple structure includes the source IP address, source port,
+ destination IP address, destination port, and transport protocol.
+ {{% /notice %}}
+3. `PacketA` and `PacketB` "punch holes" into their respective routers'
+ firewalls.
+4. Both packets arrive at the opposite router.
+5. Once `A`'s packet arrives at `Router_B`, `Router_B` checks its state
+ table and finds a 5-tuple previously added through the packet sent by
+ node B.
+6. The routers forward the packets through the "punched holes" to `B`.
+ The same occurs with `B`'s packet; upon arriving at `Router_A`, it matches
+ a 5-tuple in `Router_A`'s state table and thus forwards the packet to `A`.
+The following use case diagram illustrates the above process.
+{{% notice "note" %}}
+This process assumes a mechanism to synchronize `A` and `B` simultaneously.
+{{% /notice %}}
+## Hole punching in libp2p
+Inspired by the
+[ICE protocol](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8445),
+libp2p includes a decentralized hole punching
+feature that allows for firewall and NAT traversal without the need
+for central coordination servers like STUN and TURN.
+The following sequence diagram illustrates the whole process.
+libp2p hole punching can be divided into two phases, a preparation phase and
+a hole punching phase.
+### Phase I: Preparation
+1. [AutoNAT](/concepts/nat/#autonat): Determine whether a node is dialable,
+ as in, discover if a node is behind a NAT or firewall.
+ > This is equivalent to the
+ > [STUN protocol](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3489) in ICE.
+ ![](../assets/hole-punching/libp2p-hole-punching-5.svg)
+ - `B` reaches out to `Other_Peers` (e.g., boot nodes) on the network it
+ is on and asks each node to dial it on a set of addresses it suspects
+ could be reachable. A libp2p node has multiple ways of discovering its
+ addresses, but the most prominent is using the
+ [libp2p Identify protocol](https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/identify/README.md).
+ - `Other_Peers` attempt to dial each of `B`'s addresses and report the
+ outcome back to `B`.
+ - Based on the reports, `B` can gauge whether it is publicly dialable and
+ determine if hole punching is needed.
+1. AutoRelay: Dynamically discover and bind to relay nodes on the network.
+ > IPFS discovers the k-closest public relay nodes using a lookup method
+ > via Kademlia DHT): `//p2p-circuit/`
+ ![](../assets/hole-punching/libp2p-hole-punching-6.svg)
+ - `Other_Peers` outside `B`'s network can dial `B` indirectly through
+ a public relay node. In the case of [IPFS](https://ipfs.tech/), each public
+ node would serve as a `Relay`. `B` would either perform a lookup on the
+ [Kademlia DHT](https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/kad-dht/README.md)
+ for the closest peers to its Peer ID or choose a subset of the public nodes
+ it is already connected to.
+2. [Circuit Relay](/concepts/circuit-relay): Connect to and request
+ reservations with the discovered relay nodes. A node can advertise itself as
+ being reachable through a remote relay node.
+ > This is equivalent to the
+ > [TURN protocol](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5766) in ICE.
+ ![](../assets/hole-punching/libp2p-hole-punching-7.svg)
+ - `Relay` can limit the resources used to relay connections (e.g., by the number
+ of connections, the time, and bytes) via Circuit Relay v2. In the case of IPFS,
+ this allows every public node in the network to serve as a relay without high
+ resource consumption.
+ - For each discovered `Relay`, `B`:
+ - connects to the remote node and requests the Relay node to listen to
+ connections on its behalf, known as a reservation;
+ - if `Relay` accepts reservation requests, `B` can advertise itself as being
+ reachable through `Relay`.
+### Phase II: Hole punching
+1. [Circuit Relay](/concepts/circuit-relay): Establish a secure relay connection
+ through the public relay node. Node `A` establishes a direct connection with
+ the relay node. Node `B` then requests a relayed connection to node `A` through
+ the relay node, creating a bi-directional channel and uses TLS to secure the
+ channel.
+ ![](../assets/hole-punching/libp2p-hole-punching-8.svg)
+ - `A` establishes a relayed connection to `B` via the `Relay` using the
+ information contained in `B`'s advertised address.
+ - `A` first establishes a direct connection to `Relay` and then
+ requests a relayed connection to `B` from `Relay`.
+ - `Relay` forwards said request to `B` and accepts.
+ - `Relay` forwards the acceptance to `A`.
+ - `A` and `B` can use the bi-directional channel over `Relay` to
+ communicate.
+ - `A` and `B` upgrade the relayed connection with a security protocol
+ like TLS.
+2. [DCUtR](https://github.com/libp2p/specs/blob/master/relay/DCUtR.md): Use
+ DCUtR as a synchronization mechanism to coordinate hole punching.
+ ![](../assets/hole-punching/libp2p-hole-punching-9.svg)
+ - `A` sends a `Connect` message to `B` through `Relay`.
+ - `Connect` contains the addresses of A. libp2p offers multiple
+ mechanisms to discover one's addresses, e.g., via the libp2p Identify
+ protocol.
+ - `B` receives the `Connect` message on the relayed connection and replies
+ with a `Connect` message containing its (non-relayed) addresses.
+ - `A` measures the time between sending its message and receiving `B`'s
+ message, thereby determining the round-trip time between `A` and `B` via `Relay`.
+ - Then, `A` sends a `Sync` message to `B` on the relayed connection.
+ - `A` waits for half the round-trip time, then directly dials `B` via the
+ addresses received in `B`'s `Connect`.
+ - As soon as `B` receives `A`'s `Sync` message, it directly dials `A` with the
+ addresses provided in `A`'s `Connect` message.
+ - Once `A` and `B` dial each other simultaneously, a hole punch occurs.
+### Resources
+- This guide is a byproduct of the
+ [Hole punching in libp2p - Overcoming Firewalls](https://blog.ipfs.tech/2022-01-20-libp2p-hole-punching/)
+ blog post by Max Inden.
+- Research paper on
+ [decentralized hole punching by Protocol Labs Research](https://research.protocol.ai/publications/decentralized-hole-punching/)
+- Keep up with the [libp2p implementations page](https://libp2p.io/implementations/) for
+ the state on different hole punching implementations.