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The Crumb Programming Language

Crumb is a high level, functional, interpreted, dynamically typed, general-purpose programming language, with a terse syntax, and a verbose standard library.

It features:

  • Strictly no side effects* to help you write functional code
  • The ability to localize the effects of imported Crumb files.
  • Dynamic typing and garbage collection.
  • 0 keywords, everything is a function.

*With the exception of IO

Click here to Get Started.

table = (map (range 10) {_ y ->
  <- (map (range 10) {item x ->
    <- (multiply (add x 1) (add y 1))

From examples/mult-table.crumb

Game of Life in Crumb From examples/game-of-life.crumb

Find more examples under the examples directory.

Crumb can also build standalone binaries through Loaf.

Getting Started


You do not need to clone this repo. Instead, follow the instructions in this template repo.

If you are on VSCode, you can install the Crumb syntax highlighter extension. The source for the extension can be found here.


All function calls are done with s-expressions (think lisp). For example,

(print "hello world")

In this case, the function print is applied with the string "hello world" as an argument.

All data in crumb is one of 6 different types:

  1. string
  2. integer
  3. float
  4. function / native function
  5. list
  6. void

We can store this data in variables, for example,

a = 5
b = "hello"

We can combine data together to form lists,

magic_list = (list 123 "hello" 42.0)

Lists are always passed by value.

We can encapsulate code in functions using curly braces,

f = {
  (print "Funky!")

(f) // prints "Funky"

Functions can get arguments, denoted using the "->" symbol. For example,

add_two_things = {a b ->
  (print (add a b))

(add_two_things 3 5) // prints 8

They can also return values using the "<-" symbol,

geometric_mean = {a b ->
  <- (power (multiply a b) 0.5)

(print (geometric_mean 3 5) "\n") // prints 3.87...

Functions operate in a few important ways:

  1. Function applications are dynamically scoped.
  2. Functions cannot create side effects.
  3. Like in JavaScript and Python, all functions are first-class.

Most of the features you may expect in a programming language are implemented in the form of functions. For example, here is a Fizzbuzz program using the add, loop, if, remainder, is, and print functions,

(loop 100 {i ->
  i = (add i 1)

  (if (is (remainder i 15) 0) {
      (print "fizzbuzz\n")
    } (is (remainder i 3) 0) {
      (print "fizz\n")
    } (is (remainder i 5) 0) {
      (print "buzz\n")
    } {(print i "\n")}

From examples/fizzbuzz.crumb

You should now be ready to write your own Crumb programs! More info on how to build applications with events, files, code-splitting, and more, is found in the standard library documentation below.

Standard Library


  • arguments

    • A list command line arguments, like argv in C.
    • Will skip all arguments up to and including the path to the crumb program.
  • (print arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Prints all arguments to stdout, returns nothing.
  • (input)

    • Gets a line of input from stdin.
  • (rows)

    • Returns the number of rows in the terminal.
  • (columns)

    • Returns the number of columns in the terminal.
  • (read_file path)

    • Returns the contents of the file designated by path, in a string. If the file cannot be read, returns void.
    • path: string
  • (write_file path contents)

    • Writes the string contents into the file designated by path, returns nothing.
    • path: string
    • contents: string
  • (event time) or (event)

    • Returns the ANSI string corresponding with the current event. This may block for up to time seconds, rounded up to the nearest 100 ms. If no time is supplied, the function will not return before receiving an event.
    • time: integer or float
  • (use path1 path2 path3 ... fn)

    • Crumb's code splitting method. Runs code in file paths, in order, on a new scope. Then uses said scope to apply fn.
    • path1, path2, path3, ...: string
    • fn: function
  • (shell command)

    • Runs command as an sh program in a seperate process, and returns stdout of the process as a string.
    • command: string


  • (is a b)

    • Checks if a and b are equal, returns 1 if so, else returns 0. If a and b are lists, a deep comparison is made.
  • (less_than a b)

    • Checks if a is less than b, returns 1 if so, else returns 0.
    • a: integer or float
    • b: integer or float
  • (greater_than a b)

    • Checks if a is greater than b, returns 1 if so, else returns 0.
    • a: integer or float
    • b: integer or float

Logical Operators

  • (not a)

    • Returns 0 if a is 1, and 1 if a is 0.
    • a: integer, which is 1 or 0
  • (and arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns 1 if all arguments are 1, else returns 0
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer, which is 1 or 0
  • (or arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns 1 if at least one argument is 1, else returns 0
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer, which is 1 or 0


  • (add arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + ...
    • Requires a minimum of two args
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer or float
  • (subtract arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns arg1 - arg2 - arg3 - ...
    • Requires a minimum of two args
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer or float
  • (divide arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns arg1 / arg2 / arg3 / ...
    • Requires a minimum of two args
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer or float
  • (multiply arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns arg1 * arg2 * arg3 * ...
    • Requires a minimum of two args
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: integer or float
  • (remainder a b)

    • Returns the remainder of a and b.
    • a: integer or float
    • b: integer or float
  • (power a b)

    • Returns a to the power of b.
    • a: integer or float
    • b: integer or float
  • (random)

    • Returns a random number from 0 to 1.


  • (loop count fn)

    • Applies fn, count times. If fn returns, the loop breaks, and loop returns whatever fn returned, else repeats until loop is completed.
    • count: integer, which is greater than or equal to 0
    • fn: function, which is in the form {n -> ...}, where n is the current loop index (starting at 0).
  • (until stop fn initial_state) or (until stop fn)

    • Applies fn, and repeats until fn returns stop. until returns whatever fn returned, before stop.
    • The return value of every past iteration is passed on to the next. The initial iteration uses initial_state if supplied, or returns void if not.
    • fn: function, which is in the form {state n -> ...}, where n is the current loop index (starting at 0), and state is the current state.
  • (if condition1 fn1 condtion2 fn2 condtion3 fn3 ... fn_else)

    • If condition1 is 1, applies fn1.
    • Else if condition2 is 1, applies fn2, else if ...
    • If no condtions were 1, applies fn_else.
    • Return whatever the result of fn1, fn2, fn3, ..., or fn_else was.
    • condition1, condition2, condition3, ...: integer, which is 1 or 0
    • fn1, fn2, fn3, ..., fn_else: function, which takes no arguments
  • (wait time)

    • Blocks execution for time amount of seconds.
    • time: integer or float.


  • void

    • A value of type void
  • (integer a)

    • Returns a as an integer.
    • a: string, float, or integer.
  • (string a)

    • Returns a as a string.
    • a: string, float, or integer.
  • (float a)

    • Returns a as a float.
    • a: string, float, or integer.
  • (type a)

    • Returns the type of a as a string.

List and String

  • (list arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns a list, with the arguments as it's contents.
  • (length x)

    • Returns the length of x
    • x: string or list.
  • (join arg1 arg2 arg3 ...)

    • Returns all args joined together.
    • All args must be of the same type.
    • arg1, arg2, arg3, ...: string or list.
  • (get x index1) or (get x index1 index2)

    • Returns the item in x at index1. If x is a string, this is a single char.
    • If index2 is supplied, returns a sub-array or substring from index1 to index2, not including index2.
    • x: string or list.
    • index1: int.
    • index2: int.
  • (insert x item) or (insert x item index)

    • Returns a list or string, in which item was inserted into x at index. Does not overwrite any data.
    • If index not supplied, item is assumed to be put at the end of x.
    • x: string or list.
    • item: string if x is string, else any
    • index: int.
  • (set x item index)

    • Returns a list or string, in which the item located at index in x, was replaced by item.
    • x: string or list.
    • item: string if x is string, else any
    • index: int.
  • (delete x index1) or (delete x index1 index2)

    • Returns a string or list, where index1 was removed from x.
    • If index2 is supplied, all items from index1 to index2 are removed, not including index2.
    • x: string or list.
    • index1: int.
    • index2: int.
  • (map arr fn)

    • Returns a list created by calling fn on every item of arr, and using the values returned by fn to populate the returned array.
    • arr: list
    • fn: function, which is in the form {item i -> ...}, where item is the current item, and i is the current index.
  • (reduce arr fn initial_acc) or (reduce arr fn)

    • Returns a value, computed via running fn on every item in arr. With every iteration, the last return from fn is passed to the next application of fn. The final returned value from fn is the value returned from reduce.
    • arr: list.
    • fn: function, which is in the form {acc item i -> ...}, where item is the current item, acc is the accumulator (the result of fn from the last item), and i is the current index. acc is initial_acc if supplied, or void if not.
  • (range n)

    • Returns a list with the integers from 0 to n, not including n.
    • n: integer, which is greater than or equal to 0.
  • (find x item)

    • Returns the index of item in x. Returns void if not found.
    • x: string or list
    • item: string if x is string, else any


Crumb utilizes a notably terse syntax definition. The whole syntax can described in 6 lines of EBNF. Additionally, there are no reserved words, and only 7 reserved symbols.


program = start, statement, end;
statement = {return | assignment | value};
return = "<-", value;
assignment = identifier, "=", value;
value = application | function | int | float | string | identifier;
application = "(", {value}, ")";
function = "{", [{identifier}, "->"], statement, "}";

Syntax Diagram

Crumb syntax diagram, generated with DrawGrammar.




Strings are characters surrounded by quotes, for example:

"hello world"
"this is\nsplit between new lines"
"\e[31mthis text is in red\e[0m"

Escape codes in Crumb are equivalent to their respective C escape codes. The list of supported escape codes is:

"\x4d" // for arbitrary ascii chars

Integers are groups of number characters, that may be preceded by - for example:


Floats are like integers, but have a decimal in them, for example:


Identifiers are any collection of characters, that are not separated by whitespace, don't begin with quotes or numbers, and are not any reserved symbols, for example:


Comments start with "//", and end with the end of a line, for example:

// this is a program that prints hi
(print "hi") // this prints hi


To identify the current interpreter version, use the -v flag.

./crumb -v

When debugging the interpreter, it may be useful to compile with the -g flag.

gcc src/*.c -g -Wall -lm -o crumb

This will allow Valgrind to provide extra information,

valgrind --leak-check=full -s ./crumb -d YOURCODE.crumb

On mac, you can use leaks,

leaks -atExit -- ./crumb YOURCODE.crumb

To obtain debug information about how your code is interpreted (Tokens, AST, etc.), add the -d flag.

./crumb -d YOURCODE.crumb

You can also pipe code straight into crumb (passed files always take priority over piped code).

echo '(print (add 1 2) "\\n")' | ./crumb

Note that piping and using the event function is undefined/unsupported.

Loaf derives it's templating from loaf-template/template.crumb. For Loaf to function correctly, this template must have no dependencies, and expose the following function:

  • (template_main entry used_files)
    • Returns a formatted main.c to substitute with src/main.c in standalone builds.
    • entry: string, the entry point path of the Crumb program.
    • used_files: list of string, a list of paths to Crumb files in the project.
