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Building for macOS

Install conda packages as described here conda-build/common/ and run conda create --name py39 python=3.9 -y;conda activate py39. Running python with python >= 3.9 will start the build process by setting all the environment variables and making a call to conda build. Make sure the meta.yaml file in conda-build/habitat-sim/ is configured correctly according to

Once the package is built, make sure you're logged in to anaconda cloud and then run anaconda upload <path to the tarball file that conda build created>. For example anaconda upload hsim-macos/osx-64/habitat-sim-1.3.2-py3.9_osx.tar.bz2. This will upload the package to anaconda cloud for everyone to download.

To then download the package, run conda install -c aihabitat -c conda-forge habitat-sim.

Building for Linux

The process is almost the same for linux; there is a corresponding python script for starting things off, however we use a docker container to do the builds. There is a dockerfile in this directory that you can use to create a container.

docker build -t hsim_condabuild_dcontainer -f Dockerfile .

That will create your docker container. Now run

docker run -it --ipc=host --rm -v $(pwd)/../:/remote hsim_condabuild_dcontainer bash

From there you will have a shell within your linux container. Now, navigate to cd /remote/conda-build where habitat-sim has been mounted. Create a conda environment within the linux container with python>=3.9 (identical to that needed by habitat-sim build): conda create --name py39 python=3.9;conda activate py39. And then run python, which will kick off the build process. After this has finished, upload it to anaconda cloud in the same way described in the macOS section.

To download the package, run conda install -c aihabitat -c conda-forge habitat-sim headless .

Our linux conda builds currently only support {head / headless} x {with bullet / without bullet} binaries. In the command above, we are telling conda to use a feature called headless.


  • If building from your normal development clone of the repo, make sure to remove your build folder, i.e. rm -r ../build. The builder will copy that folder and cmake will error out otherwise.

  • You don't need to create a fresh conda env for building. Just installing conda-build=3.18.9 in any existing conda env (with python >= 3.9) is sufficient.

  • You can upload all the binaries with one command by running find . -name "*.tar.bz2" | xargs -I {} anaconda upload {} in this folder.