These are mods that Seraphim has developed or is developing for Subnautica. Two have been released so far.
-EnzymeChargedBattery: Developed as a clone of PrimeSonic's MidGameBattery to foster understanding of the mod process.
-NoObservatoryMusic: Nullifies the observatory biome ENTIRELY because of undesired effects. TODO: Add a function so the music plays at least once/session
-BiomeHUDIndicator: TODO: Display current biome in a manner consistent with rest of player HUD
-NitrogenMod: Drastically alters existing Nitrogen code to be more realistic in relation to real DCS. TODO: Add HUD indicator for compression
-RotateMoonpool: One day maybe we can rotate a Moonpool
-TimeCapsuleLogger: Sticks a logger into TimeCapsule.Spawn() to notify of spawns