In this guide, we'll implement async/await syntax on top of java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
. Unlike clojure's future
, java's CompletableFuture
allows nonblocking composition at the price of additional syntax complexity.
This syntax burden is familiar to javascript developers and leads to the famous callback-hell when improperly controlled. The async/await syntax, a popular answer to this problem, allows synchronous-looking code to be converted into an asynchronous process.
As we'll see, coroutines can easily emulate async/await, and this technique can be transposed to any callback-based asynchronous primitive, including javascript promises in clojurescript where blocking is not an option.
(require '[cloroutine.core :refer [cr]])
(import '(java.util.concurrent CompletableFuture))
First, let's define our break points and their associated thread-local context. The asynchronous processes we'll build with async
blocks are lightweight threads scheduled in user space, we'll refer to them as *fiber*
s and model them with java.util.function.BiConsumer
. The await
function will suspend the fiber and register it on given CompletableFuture
. When the future resolves, a *value*
or an *error*
becomes available to be consumed by thunk
, the resume function associated with await
(def ^:dynamic *fiber*)
(def ^:dynamic *value*)
(def ^:dynamic *error*)
(defn await [cf] (.whenComplete ^CompletableFuture cf *fiber*))
(defn thunk [] (if-some [e *error*] (throw e) *value*))
We can now define async blocks as a macro wrapping its body in a coroutine, passing its result or error to a fresh future. The fresh coroutine is then wrapped in a fiber and immediately started, and the future is returned.
(defmacro async [& body]
`(let [cf# (CompletableFuture.)
cr# (cr {await thunk}
(try (.complete cf# (do ~@body))
(catch Throwable e#
(.completeExceptionally cf# e#))))]
(binding [*fiber* (reify java.util.function.BiConsumer
(accept [f# v# e#]
(binding [*fiber* f#
*value* v#
*error* e#]
(cr#)) cf#))
We can now define async
blocks and use await
inside to park on a future result.
(def six (async 6)) ;; a future of 6
(def seven (async (inc (await six)))) ;; a future of 7
(def failed (async (throw (ex-info "this is fine." {})))) ;; a failed future
(def recovered (async (try (await failed) (catch Exception e :failed)))) ;; a future of :failed