- Course: IMNY-UT 228 / 4 Credits
- Instructor: Lenin Compres
- Semester Start: 9/05/2024
- Location: Tisch School of the Arts, NYU
- Course Syllabus: Link
This course covers modern web development with a focus on front-end technologies and accessing public data. Students will create two web applications, including one using public APIs and JavaScript libraries. The course emphasizes user experience, interactivity, and design quality.
Classes include lectures, discussions, tutorials, homework reviews, presentations, and group work. Bring a laptop and specified supplies.
- Frequency: Weekly, 3 hours per session (5:20 PM)
- Duration: 15 weeks
- Know how to design, build, and develop content for a professional-quality website.
- Understand and implement the iterative design and development process
- Learn how to proactively learn, also known as self-regulated learning. In any learning situation, you should study beforehand, make/do, debug, reflect, adjust, and do it all over again (iteration). Learning happens in a cycle.
- Create an internal developer / creative community
- Class 1: WWW & HTML
- Class 2: UI/UX Design
- Class 3: CSS Intro
- Class 4: CSS Layout
- Class 5: Dynamic/Responsive CSS
- Class 6: Midterm Presentation
- Class 7: Javascript Intro
- Class 8: JS Objects & DOM Elements
- Class 9: Webapps & API's
- Class 10: More API's
- Class 11: Handling DATA (CSV)
- Class 12: Frameworks (DOM.js, React.js)
- Class 13: Classes & Binders
- Class 14: Quesystring, Cookies, Localstorage
- Class 15: Final Presentation
- Laptop: Modern (4 years old or newer); limited checkouts available.
- Software: Free tools
- Browser: Chrome or Firefox
- Developer Tools: Firebug (Firefox) or Chrome Developer Tools
- HTML Text Editor: VS Code, Atom, etc.
- Web Hosting: Github Pages (recommended), or personal server
- Regular Assignments and Documentation (30%)
- Weekly assignments including Learning Logs (a personal blog or documentation on Github, Notion, Wordpress, even Google docs).
- Identify (name, URL, sections, etc.) at least one tutorial that you did.
- Where did you achieve clarity? i.e. understood something or felt pieces of knowledge falling into place towards a greater understanding.
- Where you did NOT achieve clarity and why? What can you do to aid your understanding?
- Connections you made among the week’s readings, lectures, class activities, homework assignments, etc.
- Links to any web page, source code or layout files you created (Codepen, Figma, Github, P5 Editor, etc.).
- Weekly assignments including Learning Logs (a personal blog or documentation on Github, Notion, Wordpress, even Google docs).
- Participation (20%)
- Participate in class discussions, critiques and ideas.
- 5-minute presentation on a Learning Log.
- Share your learning journey, your web finds and your comments on our GChat Space.
- Meet the instructor for office ours.
- Mid-Term Project (20%)
- Demonstrates knowledge of website design and responsive HTML/CSS.
- Final Project (30%)
- A comprehensive project built over several weeks, involving both technology and content.
- Allowed Absences: 4 (without affecting grade); 2 late arrivals = 1 absence.
- Makeup Work: Available upon inquiry for more than 4 absences.
- A (90-100): Excellence in performance, participation, and understanding.
- B (80-89): Very good performance and understanding.
- C (70-79): Satisfactory performance and understanding.
- D (60-69): Poor performance; lacks interest and understanding.
- F (59 & Below): Unacceptable performance and attendance.
- Allowed: Laptops and tablets for class-related work.
- Forbidden: Recreational use of phones, internet, social media, etc.
This course is part of ITP’s Interactive Media Arts (IMA) program at NYU Tisch. It provides a foundation in web development with a focus on front-end technologies and public data. Open to all NYU students pending space and prerequisites, it benefits students from NYU’s global programs.
We are committed to creating an inclusive learning environment. If you have specific needs, please discuss them with faculty or contact the Moses Center for Student Accessibility at (212-998-4980).
Your health is a priority. Utilize NYU Wellness Exchange services available 24/7 at (212-443-9999) or wellness.exchange@nyu.edu. Additional support is available via the NYU Wellness Exchange app.
Laptops and tablets are essential for learning. However, recreational use of electronic devices not related to class is prohibited to avoid distractions.
Tisch School of the Arts enforces policies against sexual misconduct and discrimination based on sex and gender. For more information, visit the NYU Title IX Office.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. Proper acknowledgment and citation are crucial. Collaboration is encouraged, but integrity must be maintained.
A supportive learning environment is created through collaboration between teachers and students, integrating diverse perspectives and learning modes.
Office hours are available for additional support. Schedule an appointment or contact the instructor by email or phone.
Incompletes may be given to students who have completed more than half of the assignments, at the professor's discretion.
Request an extension if needed. Extensions do not affect grades, but must be requested in advance.
Check email or designated communication platforms regularly for important updates.