diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml index c3c9486..5e44c46 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/main.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ jobs: with: path: tlaps/ key: tlaps1.4.5 + - name: Extract CommunityModules for TLAPS + run: unzip CommunityModules.jar -d CommunityModules/ - name: Get TLAPS if: steps.cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' # see actions/cache above run: wget https://github.com/tlaplus/tlapm/releases/download/v1.4.5/tlaps-1.4.5-x86_64-linux-gnu-inst.bin @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ jobs: chmod +x tlaps-1.4.5-x86_64-linux-gnu-inst.bin ./tlaps-1.4.5-x86_64-linux-gnu-inst.bin -d tlaps - name: Run TLAPS - run: tlaps/bin/tlapm --cleanfp -I tlaps/ BlockingQueue.tla BlockingQueueSplit.tla + run: tlaps/bin/tlapm --cleanfp -I tlaps/ -I CommunityModules/ BlockingQueue.tla BlockingQueueSplit.tla BlockingQueueFair.tla - name: Get (nightly) TLC run: wget https://nightly.tlapl.us/dist/tla2tools.jar - name: Run TLC diff --git a/BlockingQueueFair.tla b/BlockingQueueFair.tla index 40bdd56..2805cf4 100644 --- a/BlockingQueueFair.tla +++ b/BlockingQueueFair.tla @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ ------------------------- MODULE BlockingQueueFair ------------------------- -EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets, Functions, SequencesExt +EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, FiniteSets, Functions, SequencesExt, SequencesExtTheorems CONSTANTS Producers, (* the (nonempty) set of producers *) Consumers, (* the (nonempty) set of consumers *) @@ -85,4 +85,65 @@ BQSStarvation == BQS!A!Starvation THEOREM FairSpec => BQSStarvation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +TypeInv == /\ Len(buffer) \in 0..BufCapacity + \* Producers + /\ waitSeqP \in Seq(Producers) + /\ IsInjective(waitSeqP) \* no duplicates (thread is either asleep or not)! + \* Consumers + /\ waitSeqC \in Seq(Consumers) + /\ IsInjective(waitSeqC) \* no duplicates (thread is either asleep or not)! + +INSTANCE TLAPS + +(* Prove TypeInv inductive. *) +THEOREM ITypeInv == Spec => []TypeInv +<1> USE Assumption DEF Range, TypeInv +<1>1. Init => TypeInv + BY DEF Init, IsInjective +<1>2. TypeInv /\ [Next]_vars => TypeInv' + <2> SUFFICES ASSUME TypeInv, + [Next]_vars + PROVE TypeInv' + OBVIOUS + <2>1. ASSUME NEW p \in Producers, + Put(p, p) + PROVE TypeInv' + <3>1. CASE /\ Len(buffer) < BufCapacity + /\ buffer' = Append(buffer, p) + /\ NotifyOther(waitSeqC) + /\ UNCHANGED waitSeqP + BY <3>1, <2>1, TailTransitivityIsInjective + DEF NotifyOther, IsInjective + <3>2. CASE /\ Len(buffer) = BufCapacity + /\ Wait(waitSeqP, p) + /\ UNCHANGED waitSeqC + \* Put below so TLAPS knows about t \notin Range(waitSeqP) + BY <3>2, <2>1, AppendTransitivityIsInjective + DEF Wait, IsInjective, Put + <3>3. QED + BY <2>1, <3>1, <3>2 DEF Put + <2>2. ASSUME NEW c \in Consumers, + Get(c) + PROVE TypeInv' + <3>1. CASE /\ buffer # <<>> + /\ buffer' = Tail(buffer) + /\ NotifyOther(waitSeqP) + /\ UNCHANGED waitSeqC + BY <3>1, <2>2, TailTransitivityIsInjective + DEF NotifyOther, IsInjective + <3>2. CASE /\ buffer = <<>> + /\ Wait(waitSeqC, c) + /\ UNCHANGED waitSeqP + \* Get below so TLAPS knows about t \notin Range(waitSeqC) + BY <3>2, <2>2, AppendTransitivityIsInjective + DEF Wait, IsInjective, Get + <3>3. QED + BY <2>2, <3>1, <3>2 DEF Get + <2>3. CASE UNCHANGED vars + BY <2>3 DEF vars + <2>4. QED + BY <2>1, <2>2, <2>3 DEF Next +<1>3. QED BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL DEF Spec + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 0076066..44530b5 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ This tutorial is work in progress. More chapters will be added in the future. In -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +### v32 (Refinement Fair): Prove TypeInv is an inductive invariant of BlockingQueueFair. + +As a first step of proving that ```BlockingQueueFair``` refines ```BlockingQueueSplit```, we once again prove inductiveness of ```TypeInv```. + ### v31 (Refinement Fair): Refine BlockingQueue with BlockingQueueFair spec. ```BlockingQueueFair``` refines ```BlockingQueueSplit``` by notifying the longest-waiting producer or consumer thread instead of any thread in ```waitC``` or ```waitP```. For that, it uses (ordered) sequences in place of the (unordered) sets. The refinement mapping is straight forward: ```BlockingQueueSplit!waitC``` and ```waitP``` are refined by the sequences ```waitSeqC``` and ```waitSeqP``` respectively. TLC checked the refinement mapping for the finite model with the configuration p4c3b3.