The following data-sources are available by default with the Contentment package for the Data List and Text Input editors.
- .NET Countries (ISO 3166) - All the countries available in the .NET Framework, (as installed on the web server).
- .NET Currencies (ISO 4217) - All the currencies available in the .NET Framework, (as installed on the web server).
- .NET Enumeration - Select an enumeration from a .NET assembly as the data source.
- .NET Languages (ISO 639) - All the languages available in the .NET Framework, (as installed on the web server).
- .NET Time Zones (UTC) - All the time zones available in the .NET Framework.
- File System - Select paths from the physical file system as the data source.
- JSON Data - Configure JSON data to populate the data source.
- Number Range - Generates a sequence of numbers within a specified range.
- SQL Data - Use a SQL Server database query as the data source.
- Text Delimited Data - Configure text-delimited data to populate the data source.
- User-defined List - Manually configure the items for the data source.
- XML Data - Configure XML data to populate the data source.
- Examine Query - Populate the data source from an Examine query.
- Umbraco Content - Select a start node to use its children as the data source.
- Umbraco Content Properties - Populate the data source using a Content Type's properties.
- Umbraco Content Types - Populate the data source using Content Types.
- Umbraco Content by XPath - Use an XPath query to select Umbraco content to use as the data source.
- Umbraco Dictionary Items - Select an Umbraco dictionary item to populate the data source with its child items.
- Umbraco Entities - Select an Umbraco entity type to populate the data source.
- Umbraco Files - Use files defined in Umbraco, such as scripts or stylesheets.
- Umbraco Image Crops - Select an Image Cropper data-type to use its defined crops to populate the data source.
- Umbraco Languages - Populate the data source with langauges configured in Umbraco.
- Umbraco Member Groups - Populate the data source with Umbraco member groups.
- Umbraco Members - Use Umbraco members to populate the data source.
- Umbraco Tags - Populate the data source using already defined tags.
- Umbraco Templates - Populate the data source using defined view templates.
- Umbraco User Groups - Populate the data source with Umbraco user groups.
- Umbraco Users - Use Umbraco users to populate the data source.
- uCssClassName - A homage to @marcemarc's bingo-famous uCssClassNameDropdown package!
- XML Sitemap: Change Frequency - Populate the data source using XML Sitemap change frequency values.
- XML Sitemap: Priority - Populate the data source using XML Sitemap priority values.