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Fyne Thyngges provided by Learning Objects, for Use with ScalaZ and Libraries of a similar Nature and Quality.


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Fyne Thyngges provided by Learning Objects, for Use with ScalaZ and Libraries of a similar Nature and Quality.

libraryDependencies += "com.learningobjects" %% "scaloi" % "0.3.1"

Monad conversion syntax

Convenient syntax for converting to and among monads.


Syntaces, including the flappy birds, to operate within \/ disjunctions.

for {
  _ <- 0.right[Err] // ScalaZ
  _ <- Option(1)  \/>  Err.IsNone // ScalaZ
  _ <- true       \/>  Err.IsFalse
  _ <- false      \/>! Err.IsTrue
  _ <- Try(2)     \/>  Err.forThrowable
  _ <- Try(3)     \/>| Err.IsFailure
  _ <- \@~*/(op) -\/>  Err.forThrowable
} yield ???

Arrow programming with disjunctions.

createAttempt(...)   -->
  submitAttempt     |-->
  createAttempt(...) -->
  submitAttempt      -->
  gradeAttempt      |-->


Syntaces to operate within the Try monad.

for {
  _ <- 0.success
  _ <- Ex("Bah").failure
  _ <- Option(1) <@~* Ex("None")
  _ <- true      <@~* Ex("false")
  _ <- false     *~@> Ex("true")
  _ <- true      <@~* Ex("false") *> 3 // add a starry bird
  _ <- 2.right[Ex].toTry
  _ <- this.asInstanceOf_![That]
  _ <- true either 3      orFailure         Ex("false")
  _ <- Option(Try(4))     flatToTry         Ex("None")
  _ <- Option(5)          thenFailure      (Ex("None"), 6)
  _ <- Option("Some")     thenHollowFailure Ex.apply
  _ <- Option("Some")     elseHollowVictory Ex.apply
  _ <- Option(Ex("Some")) toFailure         8
} yield ???


Syntaces to operate within the Validation monad.

for {
  _ <- 0.success[Err] // ScalaZ
  _ <- Option(1) elseInvalid Err.IsNone
  _ <- Option("bah") thenInvalid Err.forString
  _ <- Option("bah") thenInvalid 2
  _ <- true elseFailure (Err.IsFalse, 3)
  _ <- false thenFailure (Error.IsTrue, 4)
} yield ???

Similarly for ValidationNel.


The Hypermonad typeclass describes a monad that supports mapping flatter than flat. For example, given a list of ids and a function from an id to perhaps a list of entities, it can flatter map to a single list of all the associated entities.

val entityMap: Map[Long, List[Entity]] = ???
val ids: List[Long] = ???
val entities: List[Entity] = ids.flatterMap(entityMap.get)

Hypermonads can also flatten flatter.

val list3: List[List[List[Int]]] = ???
val ints: List[Int] = list3.hyperFlatten

List tree

A strict tree, much as StrictTree, but based on List and thus avoidant of the moral perils of Vector.

val tree = 0.listNode(1.listLeaf, 2.listLeaf)
tree.flatten must_=== List(0, 1, 2)


Evidence for a type that has a zero but is not necessarily semigroupal.

trait Zero[A] {
  def zero: A
  def isZero(a: A): Boolean

All Monoids with Equal, IsEmptys and Numerics have a Zero.


A minimal syntax is provided. Other zeroic syntaces are provided in different contexts.

Nil.isZero must_=== true
1.nonZero must_=== true

New Zealand Option

OptionNZ wraps a value in an Option, filtering out any zeroes. Use this, for example, to filter out empty strings.

OptionNZ("") must_=== None
OptionNZ("Bob") must_=== Some("Bob")

New Brunswick Option

Related, OptionNB wraps a String in an Option, filtering out any blanks.

OptionNB(" ") must_=== None
OptionNZ("Old Brunswick") must_=== Some("Old Brunswick")

South Carolina Fold

The foldSC operation, aka ??>, short-circuits a function to the resulting zero if the parameter to the function is an empty collection. Use this, for example, to avoid performing unnecessary I/O operations or calling database libraries that fail on empty lists.

val ids: List[Long] = ???
val loadUsers: List[Long] => List[User] = ???
val users: List[User] = ids ??> loadUsers

Bucket generational data structures

Used to efficiently track recent data.

Bucket generational dedup

Tracks which data have been recently added, for the purposes of deduplication.

val dedup = BucketGenerationalDedup.empty[Symbol](3.minutes, 3)
dedup += 'a
dedup contains 'a must_=== true
dedup contains 'a must_=== false

Bucket generational bag

Tracks how many of each datum have been recently added to the bag.

val bag = BucketGenerationalBag.empty[Symbol](3.minutes, 3)
bag += 'a
bag count 'a must_=== 1
bag += 'a
bag count 'a must_=== 2
bag count 'a must_=== 0

Unbounded blocking fair keyed queue

A queue of key-value pairs that releases values fairly across the keyspace.

val queue = UnboundedBlockingFairKeyedQueue.empty[Symbol, Int]
queue.offer('a -> 1)
queue.offer('a -> 2)
queue.offer('b -> 3)
queue.take() must_=== 1
queue.take() must_=== 3
queue.take() must_=== 2

Set delta

Tracks the delta between two sets.

val set0: Set[Int] = ???
val set1: Set[Int] = ???
val delta = SetDelta from set0 to set1
set0 |: delta must_=== set1

Many fine option enhancements

With added support for util.Optional. Including, but not limited to:

Option(a) <|? println     // tap on the contents
Option(a) -<| sys.exit()  // tap on absence
Option(a) flatOpt fa      // flat map to nullable
Option(a) orZ             // get or zero
Option(a) foldZ fa        // map or zero
Option(a) filterNZ        // filter non-zero
Option(a) mapNZ fa        // map then filter non-zero
Option(a0) - a1           // filter out
Option(a).isTrue          // container of truth
Option(a0) =&= Option(a1) // both present and equal
Option(a0) max a1         // maximality
Option(a0) max Option(a1) // co-maximality
Option(a0) min a1         // minimality
Option(a0) min Option(a1) // co-minimality
Option(a) when b          // filter by boolean
Option(a) unless b        // filter by invert boolean
Option(a).accept[Dog]     // filter by type
Option(a) \&/ Option(b)   // to these

Many fine boolean enhancements

With added support for lang.Boolean. Including, but not limited to:

bool noption a               // some if false, else none
bool flatOption optA         // none if false, or else optA
bool flatNoption optA        // none if true, or else optA
false ??? Some(1) must_=== 0 // zero if false or absent, else a
true  <|? println("true")    // tap on true
false <|! println("false")   // tap on false
bool either a orElse optA    // flat either or

Either neither both

The \|/ bifunctor admits either the left, the right, both or neither. Contrast with \&/ which refuses to admit neither and \/ which admits neither neither nor both.

val optA: Option[A] = ???
val optB: Option[B] = ???
val ab = optA \|/ optB
val cd = enb bimap (fac, fbd)


Consider the blessed font.


Fyne Thyngges provided by Learning Objects, for Use with ScalaZ and Libraries of a similar Nature and Quality.








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