Resurgence is a x86/x64 game hacking framework, althought it can be used for more than just game hacking (or that is the plan).
Features are limited as of right now (again, WIP).
using namespace resurgence;
auto processes = system::process::get_processes();
for(auto& process : processes) {
wcout << process.get_name() << ": " << ((process.get_platform() == system::platform_x86) ? "x86" : "x64") << endl;
using namespace resurgence;
auto processes = system::process::get_process_by_name(L"notepad++.exe");
//There can be multiple processes with the same name
for(auto& process : processes) {
wcout << process.get_name() << ": " << ((process.get_platform() == system::platform_x86) ? "x86" : "x64") << endl;
using namespace resurgence;
auto process = system::process::get_current_process();
wcout << process.get_name() << endl;
for(auto& module : process.modules()->get_all_modules()) {
wcout << " " << module.get_name() << endl;
using namespace resurgence;
auto process = system::process::get_process_by_name(L"notepad++.exe").front();
wcout << "Failed to open process" << endl;
auto mainModule = process.modules()->get_module_by_load_order(0);
auto mem = process.memory();
//Read value
wcout << mem->read<uint8_t>(mainModule.get_base()) << endl;
//Change it
mem->protect(mainModule.get_base(), PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_READWRITE);
mem->write<uint8_t>(mainModule.get_base(), 69);
mem->protect(mainModule.get_base(), PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_READONLY);
//Read again
wcout << mem->read<uint8_t>(mainModule.get_base()) << endl;