MCFM-RE: NNLL resummation for jet-veto cross sections in colour singlet processes.
MCFM-RE implements the jet-veto resummation of JetVHeto using MCFM as an event generator. The exact details of the implementation are discussed in arXiv:1905.06646.
You can obtain MCFM-RE releases directly from the github repository:
For the latest development version you can clone the master:
git clone
For the latest tag:
git tag -l
git checkout tags/tag_name
MCFM-RE is completely self contained, all of the dependencies are bundled in the repository. As a result compilation is simple, execute the following commands
This will compile MCFM-RE in its default mode of operation: using the native MCFM PDFs, with support for OpenMP.
To run MCFM-RE
cd Bin
All the information on the process, cuts, collider, SM parameters, etc is read in from the input card located at
Alternatively one can specify a path and input card name as follows
./mcfm_omp path_to_directory input_card.DAT