This API Builder project implements the steps described here to approve Axway Marketplace subscription approval requests. It leverages MS Teams to present an approval form to the approver:
The API Builder project exposes two API's:
POST /api/amplifycentralwebhookhandler
which takes an Amplify subscription webhook as the body. This is the webhook that Amplify calls when a marketplace product subscription request is made.POST /api/approver
which is called automatically when the approver clicks the approve or reject button in the MS Teams approval form.
You need to set the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID=DOSA_<An Axway service account client ID>
CLIENT_SECRET=<An Axway service account client Secret>
API_KEY=<An API Key that you set>
MS_TEAMS_WEBHOOK_URL=<MS Teams channel incoing webhook URL>
BASEURL=<The base URL of your deployed API Builder project>
I configured my Marketplace Subscription Webhook as follows:
axway central create -f marketplaceapprovalworflowintegration.yaml
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Integration
title: Integrations for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
description: This is a group of resources to be used for marketplace subscription approval workflows
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Webhook
title: Webhook Listener for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: wh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
enabled: true
url: <API Builder Base Address>/api/amplifycentralwebhookhandler
apikey: <API Key Set as Env Var>
Content-Type: application/json
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: ResourceHook
title: Resource Hook for Marketplace Subscription Approvals
name: rh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
kind: Integration
name: integrations-for-subscription-approvals
- group: catalog
kind: Subscription
name: "*"
- updated
- wh-integrations-for-subscription-approvals
Note: You need to edit the YAML file above and set the API Builder base address and APIKey in the webhook section
The API Builder flow for /amplifycentralwebhookhandler
is shown below:
The API Builder flow for /approver
is shown below:
The flows can both certainly be improved by handling errors and other HTTP response status codes better but it demonstrates an MVP for now.