An overview of the tools used by this boilerplate for unit testing:
- Karma: the test runner that launches browsers, runs the tests and reports the results to us.
- karma-webpack: the plugin for Karma that bundles our tests using Webpack.
- Mocha: the test framework that we write test specs with.
- Chai: test assertion library that provides better assertion syntax.
- Sinon: test utility library that provides spies, stubs and mocks.
Chai and Sinon are integrated using karma-sinon-chai, so all Chai interfaces (should
, expect
, assert
) and sinon
are globally available in test files.
And the files:
This is the entry file used by
to bundle all the test code and source code (for coverage purposes). You can ignore it for the most part. -
This directory is where you write your actual tests. You can use full ES2015 and all supported Webpack loaders in your tests.
This is the Karma configuration file. See Karma docs for more details.
You can run the tests in multiple real browsers by installing more karma launchers and adjusting the browsers
field in test/unit/karma.conf.js
This boilerplate comes with inject-loader installed by default. For usage with *.vue
components, see vue-loader docs on testing with mocks.