【ConfigExcel】 excel导出成C#类并填充数据,省去序列化和反序列化的消耗。以前是不能热更,不往这方面想,能热更了为啥lua能当配置表C#就不行
High-performance, allocation-free tween library for Unity. Create animations, delays, and sequences in one line of code.
Instancing multiple damage texts on screen
C # Game Framework, but not limited to games. Can be used for non game business development
GUI Application to work with engine assets, asset bundles, and serialized files
The best game skill system framework
The OxGFrame is a framework based on Unity for accelerating game development. Supports multi-platform Win, OSX, Android, iOS, WebGL.
A really simple tactical RPG battle system i built (following a guide) to learn how to use Unity.
This will help to find emoji chars in texts and make them visible.
Unity GameFramework + HybridCLR,Includes several automated editor extension tools, an efficient automated development workflow.(大量自动化编辑器扩展工具, 高效的自动化开发工作流)
csy7749 / MathUtilities
Forked from zalo/MathUtilitiesA collection of some of the neat math and physics tricks that I've collected over the last few years.
A smart solution for Safe Area in Unity.
F8 Framework是一个优雅,轻量,符合直觉的基于Unity引擎的游戏框架,组件围绕F8一键启动,框架整体遵循以极少的使用成本开发游戏。
clumsy makes your network condition on Windows significantly worse, but in a controlled and interactive manner.
These scripts will make your UGUI ScrollRect reusing cells, to improve performance, loading time and draw calls.
A bezier spline solution for Unity 3D with some utility functions (like travelling the spline with constant speed/time)