In its essence the implementation of a simple relational/logic programming language really consists of only a few basic concepts.
Our implementation will not use techniques from the real-world. This very much means that the real implementation of such a language, one that could be used for solving real tasks, should not be implemented with such a design.
This write up describes a simple abstract machine. One that can be implemented on less than 300 lines of code in any practical language. While the main focus of the design is not efficiency and near-native speed, our implementation will be able to compute factorial of 7 in just a little above 20 seconds. That is, of course, with our own natural number representation.
For more information on real-world implementation of logic programming langauges see Warren Abstract Machine.
This write up expects the reader to have been exposed to a language like Prolog. No advance knowledge of Prolog or logic programming is required - only a level that can be obtained in a couple of hours on the internet.
We use a representation of Natural Numbers that consists of two constructs - an atom for zero, called z
, and a functor s/1
for a successor of any natural number.
Here is a showcase that speaks for itself:
0 := z
1 := s(z)
2 := s(s(z))
3 := s(s(s(z)))
Let us start with a simple example of a Minilog program:
plus(z, N, N).
plus(s(N), M, s(R)) :- plus(N, M, R).
Those two predicates describe addition operation on our representation of natural numbers. Adding any number to zero equals to that original number and adding a non-zero number to anything is equal to adding a number one-smaller to that anything plus one.
Now suppose that we want to prove a query plus(A, B, B)
This reads: "What are two natural numbers whose sum is equal to the second one?"
Were we do that manually on a piece of paper with a pen, it might look something like this:
- We start by writing down our goal:
plus(A, B, B)
- Now we start looking for a predicate in the base that has the same name and arity as our goal. The first one fits that description so we try to unify our goal with the head of that predicate. We replace our current goal with a new one:
plus(A, B, B) = plus(z, N, N)
- This can be done through decomposition. We break down the current goal into three smaller pieces:
A = z
B = N
B = N
We now have three unification goals. Let us start with the one at the top and observe that it is technically an assignment. We record this new information on the side of the paper (in our case - we just write it down) and discharge the sub-goal:
A = z
B = N
B = N
We now have two identical sub-goals. We will save us some work and discharge both of them at the same time. The same as above, we just write it down:
A = z
,B = N
. -
With that, we have got rid of all the goals. This means that our initial goal
plus(A, B, B)
can be satisfied whenA
is anything at all. (Because neitherB
are assigned a concrete value.)
We are not done yet, however! One of the key features of logic langauges is the backtracking. This means we need to go back a little and see if we can satisfy the same goal in a different way. We need to do this for all potential paths through the proof space.
We go back to the step 2
and take an alternative path this time around.
- We keep looking for a predicate in the base that has the same name and arity as our goal. The second one fits that description too, so we try to unify our goal with the head of that predicate. On top of that, we also take the goal in the rule's body and add it to our collection of goals:
plus(A, B, B) = plus(s(N), M, s(R))
plus(N, M, R)
- Once again, we decompose the unification goal at the top:
A = s(N)
B = M
B = s(R)
plus(N, M, R)
The next sub-goal goes stright into the "environment" part of our papers/text files:
A = s(N)
B = M
B = s(R)
plus(N, M, R)
The two following goals are clearly related to each other. Both look like a simple assignment on their own, but both are assigning to
. We do not mind that in the slightest. The assignment will just look a little bit more complicated:Assignments:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
plus(N, M, R)
For our current goal we, once again, turn our attention to the base and search for a fitting predicate. We try the first one again. This time around, however, we need to do some "bookkeeping" so that our names do not get tangled:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
plus(N, M, R) = plus(z, N1, N1)
We decompose again:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
N = z
M = N1
R = N1
We extend the assignments:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
,N = z
M = N1
R = N1
We do it again:
A = s(N)
,B = M = N1 = s(R)
,N = z
R = N1
And now again:
A = s(N)
,B = M = N1 = R = s(R)
,N = z
The keen eyed reader should be able to observe that we have introduced a sort of a cycle between R
and its assigned "value". Indeed, R
is assigned a term of the shape s(R)
. This very much means that R
is defined in terms of itself.
In Prolog, this is allowed by default. Not so much in Minilog. Any attempt to introduce this sort of a cycle results in a failure of the process.
So we need to backtrack again. This time we go back to the step 6
and take yet another path:
We now try the second one again. We need to do some "bookkeeping" as well:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
plus(N, M, R) = plus(s(N1), M1, s(R1))
plus(N1, M1, R1)
We decompose again:
A = s(N)
,B = M = s(R)
N = s(N1)
M = M1
R = s(R1)
plus(N1, M1, R1)
We can fast forward through the next three sub-goals:
A = s(N)
,B = M = M1 = s(R)
,N = s(N1)
,R = s(R1)
plus(N1, M1, R1)
We could go on and keep evaluating, but that would not lead to anything useful. From now on, the process goes on for ever.
The last goal above is equivalent to plus(N1, s(s(R1)), R1)
We could read it as: "Which two natural numbers (where the second one is not smaller than 2
), when added together add up to a difference between the second one and number 3
The answer is None!
- there is no way to add two natural numbers together and end up with a result smaller than one of those numbers.
The fact that the process diverges at this point, is a direct consequence of the search strategy Prolog and by extension Minilog uses - the Depth First Search.
We now turn our attention to the strategy that we have used in the process above. The idea was to carry around an environment recording assignments of variables.
This strategy is not inherently bad, it would work not only on paper but also as an underlying design for our abstract machine. It would have a couple of strong drawbacks, however. It would not be very efficient and the implementation would be a bit more involved than we would expect from a simple abstract machine.
As a bonus, this approach gets quite unwieldy quite quick.
For those reasons we leave this strategy behind and focus on a much more tractable one.
Instead of recording those assignments in an environment, we apply them immediatelly like they are some sort of a substitutition. To be more specific, any time we have a sequence of goals and the top one is in the shape <variable> = <term>
, we treat it as a substitution and apply it to the rest of the goals.
This approach is part of the algorithm for unification introduced by Martelli and Montanari. It is also nicely summed up in this wikipedia article.
We will get back to it in later sections.
This section describes our way of representing terms and other syntactic forms of our langauge as simple Haskell data structures.
Representing atoms is going to be trivial. The only thing that needs to be stored is the atom's name.
The situation is very similar when it comes to variables. Once again, we only need to keep around the name of the variable.
In Minilog, as well as in Prolog, we have a notion of compound terms. People sometimes call them structs. They consist of a functor (a name of the sort of a "constructor") and a parenthesized list of terms delimited with a comma between them.
The foo(something, B)
is a compound term/struct. The foo
is the functor and something
and B
are the terms "stored" in the "structure".
The simplest of all the terms is a wildcard/hole. It behaves similarly to a variable. The only exception is that it can never be referenced again, it serves only as a sink hole for anything. Despite that, or rather precisely for that, it can be quite usefull!
We could represent our notion of a term as a following Haskell data structure:
data Term = Var String
| Atom String
| Compound Struct
| Wildcard
data Struct = Struct{ name :: String, args :: [Term] }
Alternatively, we can express it with a simple grammar:
Term := Var
| Atom
| Struct
| '_'
Var := [A-Z]([A-Z][a-z])*
Atom := [a-z]([A-Z][a-z])*
Struct := Atom '(' Terms ')'
Terms := Term
| Term ',' Terms
What we call a predicate is a bit more complicated form in the language. It is a way to define new relations. Our knowledge base will consist of many such predicates.
A Predicate is either a Fact or a Rule.
A fact is syntactically very simple. It is predicate that does not have a body, only the head.
For example, id(I, I).
is a fact.
We can observe that a fact is very similar to a compound term with the only difference being the fact that a fact is a "sort of a declaration" and as such it is always followed by a period.
In any case, we can take advantage of that similarity when representing predicates in our implementation.
Rules are a little bit more complicated. They consist of two parts delimited by a symbol :-
. The part on the left is basically a fact while the part on the right is called a body. The body of the rule is simply a non-empty list of goals separated by a comma (,
) which means AND in Prolog.
We will cover what exactly the goal is later. For now, we just say that the body might be a single predicate call or a conjunction of those.
We have mentioned the goals above. What we mean when we say that something is a goal is that it is a term that is understood as a proposition. Simply put, when we write the following query:
id(something, A).
we say that id(something, A)
is a goal. That is - we want it to be proved or disproved.
In this sense, bodies of rules are indeed just goals. For the rule to succeed - all the sub-goals in the body need to succeed, assuming that the head of the rule was unified with the original goal anyway.
Here is an example to further the point:
is_nice_color(X) :- is_color(X), is_nice(X) .
When we ask the query is_nice_color(red)
, we can see how that query is considered a goal and how the body of our rule is considered a sequence of goals too.
We can represent predicates and goals as the following Haskell data structures:
data Goal = Call Struct
| Unify Term Term
data Predicate = Fact Struct
| Struct :- [Goal]
Note about Goal: We will explain its two variants in greater detail in later sections about evaluation.
Note about syntax: We have used an infix constructor
to represent rules.
Alternatively, we can express it with a simple grammar:
Goal := Struct
| Term '=' Term
Predicate := Struct '.'
| Struct ':-' Body
Body := Goals '.'
Goals := Goal
| Goal ',' Goals
We split the whole issue at hand into two parts.
- unification
- proof search with backtracking
Those two concepts cover the entirety of the evaluation. But we have hinted that with our leading example already.
In its core, the concept of unification is a really simple one.
We have two things and we ask whether they can be "the same thing" and what would it take for them to be.
Here is an example (the operator =
means unify with
?- A = something .
The result of running such a query in Prolog will, of course, be positive. Simply because a variable like A
, that is - a fresh one - can be unified with anything at all.
So maybe a little bit more illustrative example would be:
foo(A, something, X) = foo(whatever, B, B)
Those two terms can be "the same thing" if A = whatever
and B = X = something
So let us first give a few vague rules for unification before we explore any further:
- An atom unifies with an identical atom.
- A struct unifies with a struct when they have the same name and the same arity and their arguments unify pairwise.
- A fresh variable unifies with anything.
- A variable that has already been unified with something, unifies with another thing only if the first thing and the new thing unify together.
This should serve as a mental checkpoint before we go all in on the real algorithm mentioned above.
In this section we are going to explore the concepts of proof search and backtracking very briefly. We will not go into a much detail simply because the key element of our approach will rely on the specific representation of the state of our machine
The traversal of the state space is quite stright forward. We start with an initial goal and we search for a predicate in our knowledge base that would allow us to prove that goal.
When we find such a predicate we have to see if our goal can unify with the head of the predicate. If it does and the predicate is a fact, we have found a way to satisfy the goal. If it is rule we have to attempt proving the body of the rule. Remember - bodies of rules are just sequences of goals.
Here is an example demonstrating the point:
small(X) :- small(Y) , at_most_as_big_as(X, Y) .
If our initial goal is small(mouse)
we can see that the first predicate in the base does very much unify with the goal at hand. But as we should already know, the key feature of logic languages is backtracking.
This means that even after the first predicate allows us to satisfy the goal, we still need to try to satisfy it in any other way that is possible.
The head of the second predicate in the base also matches our goal.
So if we can satisfy the goals that make up its body, we can also prove that mouse
is small
. The details of that process very much depend on the specific definition of at_most_as_big_as
and rest of the definition for small
. We will leave this example now.
The description above illustrates one important point - when our goal is a predicate invocation, we can approach satisfying it by viewing the invocation as a struct/compound term and see the heads of predicates the same way. Whenever we can unify those two terms (our goal and a predicate head) we have a potential way to satisfy the goal.
This is quite important, because it allows us to use unification in this part of the process too. Later it will be aparent just how important and central unification is to the whole process of evaluation - it is the thing that does most work for the evaluation.
We have already mentioned backtracking in the previous section. In this section we will discuss it a little bit more.
We can observe that in our small language backtracking should really only happen when we have a predicate invocation and we are searching for a fitting predicate in the base. We do backtrack by trying all the fitting predicates in the base for the current goal.
There is no more to it than that. So if we are able to come back to a point where we have decided to try the first fitting predicate in the base and try to use another one, we would have a backtracking handled (and again after that one, of course).
The only viable way to "come back to a past point" in our implementation is to store our machine state (or some relevant parts of it) somewhere until the current path is done being explored. When it eventually succeeds or fails we can "get back" to the stored one - doing backtracking.
So it all depends on the representation that we chose for our machine state. That is precisely the topic of the next section.
We want a representation that is explicit enough - does not leave any part of the evaluation to be "implicitly" encoded in the implementation langauge - but is simple enough at the same time. We do not want to use complex data structures making the reasoning about or the re-implementation of Minilog more complicated than it needs to be.
Fortunately, we will do with just a few basic data types that should be common enough not only to most programming languages but to any of the readers too.
What our machine state needs to contain:
- our base
- a position in the base
- a stack of goals to satisfy
- a stack for backtracking
For the bookkeeping purposes (renaming variables to fresh names) we will also need to carry some increment-only counter.
And to make the presentation of the success easier we also keep around a mapping from all the variables from the original query to the terms that the evaluation assigned to them. Thanks to that, the presentation is just a matter of printing all the mappings.
All of this leads to the following Haskell data structure:
data State
= State { base :: [Predicate]
, position :: Int
, goal'stack :: [Goal]
, backtracking'stack :: [([Goal], Int, Query'Mapping)]
, counter :: Int
, query'vars :: Query'Mapping }
type Query'Mapping = Map.Map String Term
In this section we give the (almost) full algorithm for the implementation of the machine in a pseudocode. It is split in two parts, one for unification and one for a single step of the machine evaluation.
Here is what the algorithm does on every step:
machine state MS consists of:
- a goal stack GS
- a base B
- a position of some predicate in base P
- a backtracking stack BS
Each step is given a machine state MS and is expected to return a machine state MS'.
on each step do:
- inspect the goal stack GS:
- on top of the goal stack GS there is a goal G to invoke a predicate, then:
- starting at the position P, search the base for the first predicate with the same name and arity as G; if:
- we find one, then:
- we check if that predicate is:
- a fact F at the position P_CURRENT, then:
- pop the goal G
- set the position P to 0
- rename all the variables in F to unique names, obtaining F_RENAMED
- create a new goal NG being (G = F1_RENAMED)
- push NG on top of the goal stack.
- a rule R at the position P_CURRENT, then:
- pop the goal G
- set the position P to 0
- rename all the variables in the R to unique names, obtaining R_RENAMED
- push each sub-goal in the body of the R_RENAMED on top of the goal stack (first sub-goal in the body goes last)
- create a new goal NG being (G = H_RENAMED) where H_RENAMED is the head of the R_RENAMED
- push NG on top of the goal stack
- search the base for the next predicate after P_CURRENT, with the same name and arity as G; if:
- there is one at the position P_NEXT, then:
- create a backtracking record BR consisting of the original goal stack GS and a position P_NEXT
- push BR on top of the backtracking stack BS
- there is none, then we do not change the backtracking stack BS
- there is no fitting predicate; then:
- we attempt backtracking
- on top of the goal stack GS there is a goal G to unify two terms; then:
- we use the unification algorithm described below, it results in:
- a success - it produces a substitution/mapping SUB from variables to terms and a goal stack GS_UNIF, we do:
- apply SUB to GS obtaining a new goal stack GS_SUBSTITUTED
- concatenate GS_UNIF with GS_SUBSTITUTED obtaining GS_NEW
- we set GS to GS_NEW
- a failure - then we attempt backtracking
- the goal stack GS is empty; we attempt backtracking.
to attempt backtracking:
inspect the backtracking stack BS:
- on top of the backtracking stack BS there is a backtracking record BR; then:
- set the position to the P_NEXT from the record BR
- set the goal stack to the GS from the record BR
- run a step of the computation
- the backtracking stack BS is empty; then:
- we fail
The algorithm above omits two small details. It does not concern itself with the details of renaming predicates or how should we ensure that we always use a new name. The reader is expected to fill in that themself. The second detail omited is the aforementioned mapping from variables of the original query to the terms to-them-assigned. This is also trivial and should not be a problem for the reader.
The unification algorithm takes two arguments and either succeeds or fails. If it succeeds, it produces a substitution/mapping from variables to terms and a stack of new goals.
The following is the algorithm for the unification:
two terms unify by these rules:
- unification of two identical terms succeeds with an empty substitution and an empty goal stack
- unification of two structs S_L and S_R of the same name and the same arity N is done through decomposition:
- for each pair of arguments to S_L and S_R - ARG_L_n and ARG_R_n - we create a new unification goal UG being ARG_L_n = ARG_R_n, together we call it ARG_GS
- we succeed with an empty substitution and a goal stack ARG_GS
- unification of two structs that do not have the same name and the same arity fails
- unification of a variable and a term satisfying an occurs check is used as a substitution SUB (<var> -> <term>)
- we succeed with a substitution SUB and an empty goal stack
- unification of a variable and a term failing an occurs check fails
occurs check for a variable V and a term T fails when:
- the term T is a compound term with arguments ARGS and for any ARG_n from ARGS the occurs check for V and ARG_n fails
- the term T is a variable equal to the V (the same name)
This concludes the writeup.