I found this collection of scripts (aka everydns-api) online and decided to extend it with an export script.
The library was created by Matthew Frederico (Ultrize Consulting) and is licensed under the GPL.
The export script I added will print CSV to the screen -- copy and paste it from there.
Usage is trivial:
- clone this repository
cd everydns-api/everydns/scripts
./export.php emailaddress password
The "email address" is the email address of your account on everydns, the password ... well, you catch my drift.
Feel free to browse the source - no credentials are stored/harvested.
If you want an export to a bind zone file: pull requests welcome! ;-)
When everydns.net was sold to DynDns the users were told that they could migrate to DynDns for free.
From what I understand there are free accounts on DynDns, so if anything that is what users should be setup with at the bare minimum.
Of course I have no objections to pay money for a service and I also donated to EveryDns in the past. But when DynDns decided to charge a migration fee, I've decided to take my business elsewhere. I don't want to pay five bucks which I can then maybe use towards one of their great services.
Especially when I was told that this is not gonna happen since I donated to EveryDns already.
I recommend you check out cloudflare, afraid.org or zoneedit. All start at free, but if you decide to go premium, either of these services deserve your money.