To onboard new users for the Wemos D1 Mini
Step 1: Read the documentation Read Documentation
Step 2: Download Arduino IDE: Mac Windows
Step 3: Download USB Driver Download Driver
Step 4: ESP8266 Library Download Library
- PubSubClient (IOT Projects)
- "128x64" OLED Screen SSD1306 or Println
- Sign up for an account - with Cute-Cat (Free!)
- Create an instance - name it anything you like
- Create a user - I used "admin" with no password
- Create a topic - Name it by your intended function, e.g. GPS_Lookup
- For Android Users
- Go to Google Play Store and download "IoT MQTT Dashboard"
- Create a connection with Client ID: {any}, Server, Port, Username, Password {Check Cloud MQTT}
- Subscribe or Publish