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- link-react
- "A generalized link <a> component that allows client-side navigation while taking into account exceptions."
- react-keydown
- react-hammerjs
- "ReactJS / HammerJS integration. Support touch events in your React app."
- react-tappable
- "Tappable component for React"
- react-aim
- react-waypoint
- react-lazyload
- "Lazyload your Component, Image or anything matters the performance."
- react-helmet
- "A document head manager for React"
- React Sortable Higher-order Components
- react-stonecutter
- "Animated grid layout component for React"
- react-stickynode
- "A performant and comprehensive React sticky component."
- Also handles sticky elements that are taller than viewport
- react-overdrive
- "Super easy magic-move transitions for React apps"
- rofrischmann/react-controlled-form: Flexible, Modular & Controlled Forms for React and Redux
- Simplify form management with React and Redux using your own components
- react-input-enhancements
- "Set of enhancements for input control"
- formik: Forms in React, without tears
- 25th-floor/revalidation: Higher Order Component for Validating Forms in React
- Chart Transitions with React and D3 4.0
- victory
- "A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations"
- react-flip-move
- why-did-you-update
- "Puts your console on blast when React is making unnecessary updates."