A Leiningen plugin to visualize graph and tree data.
Leiningen coordinates: [lein-viz "0.3.0"]
You need to have Graphviz installed to use this plugin.
OS | How to install |
Linux | Using your package manager |
OS X | Using Homebrew or download installer |
Windows | Download installer |
User-level installation: Put Leiningen coordinate into the :plugins
vector of your :user
Project-level installation: Put Leiningen coordinate into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj
$ echo "{:graph-data {:pizza [:toppings :base :cheese] :base {:cooked :dough}}}" | lein viz -s :stdin
This opens a viewer window containing an image as follows:
The image can be output to a file using the -o filename
$ echo "{:graph-data {:pizza [:toppings :base :cheese] :base {:cooked :dough}}}" | lein viz -s :stdin -o pizza.png
Visualization data may be generated by project code, which is usually more powerful. Create a function in your project to return visualization data:
(ns foo.core)
(defn make-graph
{:graph-data {:service [:db :mailer]
:db {:connection-pool :datasource}
:datasource [:db-host :db-port :database :username :password]
:mailer [:smtp-host :smtp-port]}
:node-labels {:datasource :mysql-data-source}
:node-shapes {:datasource :rectangle}
:seed-keys [:db-host :db-port :username :password]})
(defn make-tree
{:tree-data [:foo [10 20] :bar [30 40] :baz [50]]})
Then run this plugin:
$ lein viz -s foo.core/make-graph
$ lein viz -s foo.core/make-tree
The generated graph may look like the below image:
If you want to set the source fn as a default, put the following in project.clj
:viz {:default {:source foo.core/make-graph}}
Then, because :default
is a special key, you can simply run:
$ lein viz
If you have more than one data generators, you can specify them as follows:
:viz {:g1 {:source foo.core/make-graph-1}
:g2 {:source foo.core/make-graph-2}}
Then, specify the one you want to visualize:
$ lein viz -e :g1
Copyright © 2016 Shantanu Kumar (kumar.shantanu@gmail.com, shantanu.kumar@concur.com)
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.