This repository contains implementations of various deep learning algorithms in Theano/Lasagne.
To run a model, you may use the
launch script.
python train \
--dataset <dataset> \
--model <epochs> \
--alg <opt_alg> \
--n_batch <batch_size> \
--lr <learning_rate> \
-e <num_epochs> \
-l <log_name>
Alternatively, you may use the Makefile
included in the root dir; typing make train
will start training. There are also several additional parameters that can be configured inside the Makefile
The model will periodically save its weights and report training/validation losses in the logfile.
The following algorithms are available.
: simple softmax classifiermlp
: multilayer perceptroncnn
: convolutional neural network; solvesmnist
and achieves reasonably good accuracy oncifar10
: small residual network; achieves an accuracy in the 80's oncifar10
: semi-supervised deep generative models (in progress)
: variational autoencoderconvvae
: convolutional variational autoencodersbn
: vae with discrete latent variables, trained with neural variational inference (reduces to sigmoid belief network)adgm
: auxiliary deep generative model (unsupervised version)convadgm
: convolutional auxiliary deep generative model (unsupervised version)dadgm
: discrete-variable auxiliary deep generative model (unsupervised version, also trained with NVIL)dcgan
: small deep convolutional generative adversarial network (tested on mnist)
The following datasets are currently available:
: color images divided into 10 classes (32x32x3)mnist
: standard handwritten digits dataset (28x28)digits
: sklearn digits dataset (8x8); can be used for quick debugging on a CPU
Currently, we may train the models using:
: standard stochastic gradient descentadam
: the Adam optimizer
Send feedback to Volodymyr Kuleshov. Some models contain snippets from other users' repositories; let me know if I forgot to cite anyone.