This is the scalability validation report for release-1.8 written as per this template.
Validated large cluster performance under the following configuration:
- Cloud-provider - GCE
- No. of nodes - 5000
- Node machine-type - n1-standard-1; OS - gci; Disk size - 50GB
- Master machine-type - [auto-calculated]; OS - gci; Disk size - [auto-calculated]
- Any non-default config used:
- APISERVER_TEST_ARGS=--max-requests-inflight=3000 --max-mutating-requests-inflight=1000
- SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS=--kube-api-qps=100
- CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS=--kube-api-qps=100 --kube-api-burst=100
- TEST_CLUSTER_RESYNC_PERIOD=--min-resync-period=12h
- TEST_CLUSTER_DELETE_COLLECTION_WORKERS=--delete-collection-workers=16
- Any important test details:
- Services disabled in load test
- SLO used for 99%ile for api call latency:
- For clusters with <= 500 nodes:
- <= 1s for all calls
- For clusters with > 500 nodes:
- <= 1s for non-list calls
- <= 5s for namespaced list calls
- <= 10s for cluster-scoped list calls
- For clusters with <= 500 nodes:
- <job-name, run#> of the validating run (to know other specific details from the logs):
Validated large cluster correctness under the following configuration:
- Cloud-provider - GCE
- No. of nodes - 5000
- Node machine-type - g1-small; OS - gci; Disk size - 50GB
- One special n1-standard-8 node (out of the 5k nodes) used for heapster
- Master machine-type - [auto-calculated]; OS - gci; Disk size - [auto-calculated]
- Any non-default config used:
- APISERVER_TEST_ARGS=--max-requests-inflight=1500 --max-mutating-requests-inflight=500
- (rest same as above)
- Any important test details:
- A few e2es around external loadbalancer timing out due to GCE-side issues (#52495) - being fixed
- A few e2es around heapster and stackdriver logging are flaking - need stabilization
- <job-name, run#> of the validating run (to know other specific details from the logs):
- We're seeing a performance regression in density test wrt api call latency for
delete pods
- #51899