Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Using CSC tool for Testing
- Test using csc
- Start Cinder driver
- Get plugin info
- Get supported capabilities
- Get controller implemented capabilities
- Create a volume
- List volumes
- Delete a volume
- Create a snapshot from volume
- List snapshots
- Delete a snapshot
- ControllerPublish a volume
- ControllerUnpublish a volume
- NodePublish a volume
- NodeUnpublish a volume
- Get NodeID
Get csc
tool from
First, you need to start the plugin as daemon to accept request from csc. Following example is starting listening at localhost port 10000 with cloud configuration given in /etc/cloud.conf and the node id is CSINodeID. ClusterID is the identifier of the cluster in which the plugin is running.
$ sudo cinder-csi-plugin --endpoint tcp:// --cloud-config /etc/cloud.conf --nodeid CSINodeID --cluster ClusterID
$ csc identity plugin-info --endpoint tcp://
"" "1.0.0"
$ csc identity plugin-capabilities --endpoint tcp://
$ csc controller get-capabilities --endpoint tcp://
Following sample creates a volume named CSIVolumeName
and the
volume id returned is 8a55f98f-e987-43ab-a9f5-973352bee19c
with size 1073741824
bytes (1Gb)
$ csc controller create-volume --endpoint tcp:// CSIVolumeName
"8a55f98f-e987-43ab-a9f5-973352bee19c" 1073741824 "availability"="nova"
Following sample list all volumes:
$ csc controller list-volumes --endpoint tcp://
"8a55f98f-e987-43ab-a9f5-973352bee19c" 1073741824
Following sample deletes a volume 01217e93-bd1b-4760-b5d8-18b8b3d47f91
$ csc controller delete-volume --endpoint tcp:// 01217e93-bd1b-4760-b5d8-18b8b3d47f91
Following sample creates a snapshot from volume 40615da4-3fda-4e78-bf58-820692536e68
After execution, snapshot e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f
will be created.
$ csc controller create-snapshot --source-volume 40615da4-3fda-4e78-bf58-820692536e68 --endpoint tcp:// s1
"e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f" 1073741824 40615da4-3fda-4e78-bf58-820692536e68 seconds:1561530261 true
Use openstack command to verify:
openstack volume snapshot list
| ID | Name | Description | Status | Size |
| e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f | s1 | None | available | 1 |
Following sample lists all snapshots:
$ csc controller list-snapshots --endpoint tcp://
"e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f" 1073741824 40615da4-3fda-4e78-bf58-820692536e68 seconds:1561532425 true
Following sample deletes the snapshot e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f
$ csc controller delete-snapshot e2df8c2a-58eb-40fb-8ec9-45aee5b8f39f --endpoint tcp://
Use openstack command to verify:
$ openstack volume snapshot list
The action has similar result to nova volume-attach
Assume we have following result in openstack now:
$ openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 17e540e6-8d08-4a5a-8835-668bc8fe913c | demo1 | ACTIVE | demo-net= | cirros | m1.tiny |
$ openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| ed893ce1-807d-4c6e-a558-88c61b439659 | v1 | available | 1 | |
Then execute:
# csc controller publish --endpoint tcp:// --node-id=17e540e6-8d08-4a5a-8835-668bc8fe913c ed893ce1-807d-4c6e-a558-88c61b439659
"ed893ce1-807d-4c6e-a558-88c61b439659" "DevicePath"="/dev/vdb"
From openstack side you will see following result:
$ openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| 17e540e6-8d08-4a5a-8835-668bc8fe913c | demo1 | ACTIVE | demo-net= | cirros | m1.tiny |
$ openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| ed893ce1-807d-4c6e-a558-88c61b439659 | v1 | in-use | 1 | Attached to demo1 on /dev/vdb |
volume "Status" field will change to "in-use" afterwards.
"Attached to" field will change to volume mount point.
ControllerUnpublish is reserver action of ControllerPublish, which is similar to nova volume-detach
[root@kvm-017212 docs]# csc controller unpublish --endpoint tcp:// --node-id=17e540e6-8d08-4a5a-8835-668bc8fe913c ed893ce1-807d-4c6e-a558-88c61b439659
$ csc node publish --endpoint tcp:// --target-path /mnt/cinder --pub-info DevicePath="/dev/xxx" CSIVolumeID
$ csc node unpublish --endpoint tcp:// --target-path /mnt/cinder CSIVolumeID
$ csc node get-id --endpoint tcp://