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Cluster Autoscaler for Kamatera

The cluster autoscaler for Kamatera scales nodes in a Kamatera cluster.

Kamatera Kubernetes

Kamatera supports Kubernetes clusters using our Rancher app or by creating a self-managed cluster directly on Kamatera compute servers, the autoscaler supports both methods.

Cluster Autoscaler Node Groups

An autoscaler node group is composed of multiple Kamatera servers with the same server configuration. All servers belonging to a node group are identified by Kamatera server tags k8sca-CLUSTER_NAME, k8scang-NODEGROUP_NAME. The cluster and node groups must be specified in the autoscaler cloud configuration file.


Copy examples/deployment.yaml and modify the configuration as needed, see below regarding the required configuration values and format. When the configuraiont is ready, deploy it to your cluster e.g. using kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml.


The cluster autoscaler only considers the cluster and node groups defined in the configuration file.

You can see an example of the cloud config file at examples/deployment.yaml,

Important Note: The cluster and node group names must be 15 characters or less.

it is an INI file with the following fields:

Key Value Mandatory Default
global/kamatera-api-client-id Kamatera API Client ID yes none
global/kamatera-api-secret Kamatera API Secret yes none
global/cluster-name max 15 characters: english letters, numbers, dash, underscore, space, dot: distinct string used to set the cluster server tag yes none
global/default-min-size default minimum size of a node group (must be > 0) no 1
global/default-max-size default maximum size of a node group no 254
global/default-<SERVER_CONFIG_KEY> replace <SERVER_CONFIG_KEY> with the relevant configuration key see below see below
nodegroup "name" max 15 characters: english letters, numbers, dash, underscore, space, dot: distinct string within the cluster used to set the node group server tag yes none
nodegroup "name"/min-size minimum size for a specific node group no global/defaut-min-size
nodegroup "name"/max-size maximum size for a specific node group no global/defaut-min-size
nodegroup "name"/<SERVER_CONFIG_KEY> replace <SERVER_CONFIG_KEY> with the relevant configuration key no global/default-<SERVER_CONFIG_KEY>

Server configuration keys

Following are the supported server configuration keys:

Key Value Mandatory Default
name-prefix Prefix for all created server names no none
password Server root password no none
ssh-key Public SSH key to add to the server authorized keys no none
datacenter Datacenter ID yes none
image Image ID or name yes none
cpu CPU type and size identifier yes none
ram RAM size in MB yes none
disk Disk specifications - see below for details yes none
dailybackup boolean - set to true to enable daily backups no false
managed boolean - set to true to enable managed services no false
network Network specifications - see below for details yes none
billingcycle "hourly" or "monthly" no "hourly"
monthlypackage For monthly billing only - the monthly network package to use no none
script-base64 base64 encoded server initialization script, must be provided to connect the server to the cluster, see below for details no none

Disk specifications

Server disks are specified using an array of strings which are the same as the cloudcli --disk argument as specified in cloudcli server create. For multiple disks, include the configuration multiple times, example:

; default for all node groups: single 100gb disk
default-disk = "size=100"

[nodegroup "ng1"]
; this node group will use the default

[nodegroup "ng2"]
; override the default and use 2 disks
disk = "size=100"
disk = "size=200"

Network specifications

Networks are specified using an array of strings which are the same as the cloudcli --network argument as specified in cloudcli server create. For multiple networks, include the configuration multiple times, example:

; default for all node groups: single public network with auto-assigned ip
default-network = "name=wan,ip=auto"

[nodegroup "ng1"]
; this node group will use the default

[nodegroup "ng2"]
; override the default and attach 2 networks - 1 public and 1 private
network = "name=wan,ip=auto"
network = "name=lan-12345-abcde,ip=auto"

Server Initialization Script

This script is required so that the server will connect to the relevant cluster. The specific script depends on how you create and manage the cluster.

See below for some common configurations, but the exact script may need to be modified depending on your requirements and server image.

The script needs to be provided as a base64 encoded string. You can encode your script using the following command: cat | base64 -w0.

Kamatera Rancher Server Initialization Script

Using Kamatera Rancher you need to get the command to join a server to the cluster. This is available from the following URL: https://rancher.domain/v3/clusterregistrationtokens. The relevant command is available under data[].nodeCommand, if you have a single cluster, it will be the first one. If you have multiple cluster you will have to locate the relevant cluster from the array using clusterId. The command will look like this:

sudo docker run -d --privileged --restart=unless-stopped --net=host -v /etc/kubernetes:/etc/kubernetes -v /var/run:/var/run  rancher/rancher-agent:v2.6.4 --server https://rancher.domain --token aaa --ca-checksum bbb

You can replace this command in the example script at examples/

Kubeadm Initialization Script

The example script at examples/ can be used as a base for writing your own script to join the server to your cluster.


Make sure you are inside the cluster-autoscaler path of the autoscaler repository.

Run tests:

go test -v

Setup a Kamatera cluster, you can use this guide

Get the cluster kubeconfig and set in local file and set in the KUBECONFIG environment variable. Make sure you are connected to the cluster using kubectl get nodes. Create a cloud config file according to the above documentation and set it's path in CLOUD_CONFIG_FILE env var.

Build the binary and run it:

make build &&\
./cluster-autoscaler-amd64 --cloud-config $CLOUD_CONFIG_FILE --cloud-provider kamatera --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG -v2

Build the docker image:

make container

Tag and push it to a Docker registry

docker tag
docker push

Make sure relevant clsuter has access to this registry/image.

Follow the documentation for deploying the image and using the autoscaler.