Carry over release notes for the disabled features from the v1.9.0 changelog to the v1.10.0 changelog #3470
Some features implemented in v1.9 had been disabled due to being incomplete. The release notes for these features appeared in the changelog generated for v1.9.0, but because these features are disabled, I manually removed them.
These release notes should be manually added to the v1.10.0 changelog before cutting the said release.
- New addons v1beta3 API ([#3248](, [@kron4eg](
- Disable the KubeOneCluster v1beta3 API to give it additional development and testing time, the new API will be released in KubeOne 1.10 ([#3408](, [@xmudrii](
- Delete PodSecurityPolicy from v1beta3 ([#3320](, [@kron4eg](
- Add audit support for k8s api-server webhook backend ([#3307](, [@SimonTheLeg](
- Initial version of v1beta3 KubeOneCluster ([#3210](, [@kron4eg](
- Stop defaulting kube-api endpoint ([#3333](, [@kron4eg](
- The Kubeone HostConfig support Pod PID Limits in its Kubelet Config ([#3352](, [@mohamed-rafraf](