kubeflow_label.yml: containing rules to update or migrate github labels on repos in kubeflow org We use same tool from kubernetes: https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/tree/master/label_sync
Modify kubeflow_label.yml
- Define new labels or add entries to rename labels
- This will run
kustomize build
to generate an updated configmap and update the cronjob to use the new config - The hydrated manifests are written to the directory
- This will run
Create a PR with the changes
After the next succesful run of the cron job your changes should be applied to all repos.
label_sync is a binary produced by the Kubernetes test infra team to sync labels in GitHub based on a YAML config file.
Here's an example invocation of that binary
# add or migrate labels on all repos in the kubeflow org
# Under kubernetes/test-infra/label_sync, run:
bazel run //label_sync -- \
--config /path/to/kubeflow_label.yaml \
--token /path/to/github_oauth_token \
--orgs kubeflow
We use a Kubernetes cron job to periodically run label_sync.
We currently run a cron job synchronize labels in
- Project: kubeflow-admin
- Cluster: kf-admin-cluster
- Namespace: github-admin
We use a separate cluster in a restricted project because modifying the labels requires write permission on all repos.
We have a CronJob to sync the labels, defined here.
We use Anthos Config Management(ACM) to continually sync changes to the kubernetes resources to the kubernetes cluster.
Right now the user has to manually run hydrate.sh
to generate hydrated manifests that get checked in as part of the PR.
The label_sync binary depends on a GitHub OAuth token which is stored as a configmap. (We would like to change this to a GitHub App)
Use GitHub to create an OAuth token
- You need repo scope in order to modify labels on issues
kubectl -n github-admin create secret generic bot-token-github --from-literal=bot-token=${GITHUB_TOKEN}