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Kubeflow CD with tektoncd pipelines

This directory contains Tekton pipelines intended to rebuild Kubeflow docker images and open PRs to update Kubeflow kustomize manifests to use the newly built images.

How it works

  • pipelines/base/pipeline.yaml defines a reusable pipeline to:

    1. Build a container image
    2. Create a PR to update the Kubeflow manifests to use the newly built image
  • To launch a pipeline to build a specific application at a specific commit you create an instance of a pipeline run that uses this pipeline

    • runs/profile_controller_v1795828.yaml provides an example pipeline run to build and update the profile controller image

    • pipeline resources and pipeline parameters to specify what application to build and the image to create

      • Git Resources are used to define

        • The repo and commit containing the source code to build the image from
        • The repo containing the manifests to update
        • The repo and commit containing the tools used for CI/CD
      • Image Resource is used to define the docker image to use

      • Parameters are used to define various values specific to each application such as the relative paths of the Docker file in the source repository

  • The kubeflow-bot GitHub account is used to create the PRs

  • Continuous building is achieved by running in a Kubernetes deployment

Adding Applications to continuous delivery

Here are instructions for adding an application for continous delivery

  • You should add an entry to applications.yaml for that application

  • Set the parameters as needed for that application

Defining a New Version/Release For Applications

  • The versions in applications.yaml specify the different releases e.g. master, v0.X, v0.Y, etc... at which to build the applications

  • For every version we define

    • tag This is a label like "vmaster" or "v0.X.1" that will be used to tag the images

    • The source repos and corresponding branch from which to build the images

      • Each time the create-runs script is run it will create a pipeline run that uses the tip of that branch for that source
    • A repo for kubeflow manifests that specifies the branch of the kustomize package to update

Run a pipeline

To update a specific application

  1. Connect to the Kubeflow releasing cluster

    • project: kf-releasing
    • cluster: kf-releasing-0-6-2
    • namespace: kf-releasing
  2. Create a PipelineRun file

    • You can use one of the runs in runs/ as a baseline
    • Set the Tekton PipelineRun parameters and resources as needed to build your application at the desired commit
  3. Generate the pipeline runs for the latest commits

    KUBEFLOW_TESTING=<Path where kubeflow/testing is checked out>
    OUTPUT_DIR=<Directory to write the PipelineRuns YAML files>
    SRC_DIR=<Directory where source repos should be checked out>
    python3 -m create-runs \
       --config=${CONFIG} \
       --output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR} \
       --src_dir=${SRC_DIR} \ 
    • This will create a YAML file for every (application, version) combination
  4. Submit PipelineRun's to the release cluster

    kubectl create -f ${OUTPUT_DIR}

Setting up a cluster to run the pipelines

The kustomize manifests are currently written so as to run in a Kubeflow releasing cluster.

The current release cluster is

  • project: kf-releasing
  • cluster: kf-releasing-0-6-2
  • namespace: kf-releasing

This is a Kubeflow cluster (v0.6.2) and we rely on that to configure certain things like the secrets and service accounts.

  1. Follow Tektons' instructions for creating a secret containing ssh credentials for use with GitHub

    • We are currently using the secret named kubeflow-bot-github-ssh
  2. Ensure the GCP service account used with Kaniko has storage admin permissions for the project where the images are pushed.

    • most likely
  3. Create a secret named github-token containing a github token to be used by the hub CLI to create PRs.

  4. Create the Tekton resources

    kustomize build pipelines/base/ | kubectl apply -f -

Pushing Production

  1. Build a new image

    skaffold build -p prod --kube-context=kf-releasing -v info --file-output=latest_image.json
  2. Set the image to the newly built image which will be in latest_image.json

    cd pipelines/base
    kustomize edit set image<NEW IMAGE>
  3. Deploy it

    kustomize build pipelines/overlays/prod | kubectl --context=kf-releasing apply -f -

Developer Guide

You can use skaffold to build a docker image and auto update the deployment running

  • The namespace kf-releasing-dev is intended for trying out your local changes

  • You can update apps-cd/pipelines/base/config/app-pipeline.template to pull in your branch of changes to the CD tooling

    • The template defines a PipelineRun that is used to generate the PipelineRun's to update each application
    • The template defines a Git resource which points to the kubeflow/testing repository to obtain the scripts to update the manifests
      • You can change this to point to your fork of kubeflow/testing to test your changes
  • You can also deploy any changes to tekton resources to that namespace before trying out in prod.

  • Warning If you don't delete the dev instance the PRs might end up being created by the dev instance and not the prod instance

  1. Run skaffold

    skaffold dev -p dev -v info --cleanup=false --trigger=polling
  2. During development you can take advantage of skaffold's continuous file sync mode to update the code without rebuilding the docker image or updating the deployment

    • To take advantage of this modify base/deployment.yaml and uncomment the lines

      - python
      - --dir=/app
    • This runs in a subprocess and restarts it everytime it detects a change in the file

Deploying Or Updating the Continuous run

Use skaffold

skaffold run --cleanup=False
  • TODO(jlewi): Do we need to set cleanup to false.


  1. Design Doc