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SageMaker Processing Kubeflow Pipelines component


Component to submit SageMaker Processing jobs directly from a Kubeflow Pipelines workflow.

Intended Use

For running your data processing workloads, such as feature engineering, data validation, model evaluation, and model interpretation using AWS SageMaker.

Runtime Arguments

Argument Description Optional Data type Accepted values Default
region The region where the cluster launches No String
endpoint_url The endpoint URL for the private link VPC endpoint Yes String
assume_role The ARN of an IAM role to assume when connecting to SageMaker Yes String
job_name The name of the Processing job. Must be unique within the same AWS account and AWS region Yes String ProcessingJob-[datetime]-[random id]
role The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that Amazon SageMaker assumes to perform tasks on your behalf No String
image The registry path of the Docker image that contains the processing script Yes String
instance_type The ML compute instance type Yes String ml.m4.xlarge, ml.m4.2xlarge, ml.m4.4xlarge, ml.m4.10xlarge, ml.m4.16xlarge, ml.m5.large, ml.m5.xlarge, ml.m5.2xlarge, ml.m5.4xlarge, ml.m5.12xlarge, ml.m5.24xlarge, ml.c4.xlarge, ml.c4.2xlarge, ml.c4.4xlarge, ml.c4.8xlarge, ml.p2.xlarge, ml.p2.8xlarge, ml.p2.16xlarge, ml.p3.2xlarge, ml.p3.8xlarge, ml.p3.16xlarge, ml.c5.xlarge, ml.c5.2xlarge, ml.c5.4xlarge, ml.c5.9xlarge, ml.c5.18xlarge and many more ml.m4.xlarge
instance_count The number of ML compute instances to use in each processing job Yes Int ≥ 1 1
volume_size The size of the ML storage volume that you want to provision in GB Yes Int ≥ 1 30
resource_encryption_key The AWS KMS key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt data on the storage volume attached to the ML compute instance(s) Yes String
output_encryption_key The AWS KMS key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt the model artifacts Yes String
max_run_time The maximum run time in seconds per processing job Yes Int ≤ 432000 (5 days) 86400 (1 day)
environment The environment variables to set in the Docker container Yes Yes Dict Maximum length of 1024. Key Pattern: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*. Value Pattern: [\S\s]*. Upto 16 key and values entries in the map
container_entrypoint The entrypoint for the processing job. This is in the form of a list of strings that make a command Yes Yes List of Strings
container_arguments A list of string arguments to be passed to a processing job Yes Yes List of Strings
input_config Parameters that specify Amazon S3 inputs for a processing job No List of Dicts []
output_config Parameters that specify Amazon S3 outputs for a processing job No List of Dict []
vpc_security_group_ids A comma-delimited list of security group IDs, in the form sg-xxxxxxxx Yes String
vpc_subnets A comma-delimited list of subnet IDs in the VPC to which you want to connect your hpo job Yes String
network_isolation Isolates the processing container if true No Boolean False, True True
traffic_encryption Encrypts all communications between ML compute instances in distributed processing if true No Boolean False, True False
tags Key-value pairs to categorize AWS resources Yes Dict {}


  • You can find more information about how container entrypoint and arguments are used at the Build Your Own Processing Container documentation.
  • Each key and value in the environment parameter string to string map can have length of up to 1024. SageMaker supports up to 16 entries in the map.
  • The format for the input_config field is:
    'InputName': 'string',
    'S3Input': {
      'S3Uri': 'string',
      'LocalPath': 'string',
      'S3DataType': 'ManifestFile'|'S3Prefix',
      'S3InputMode': 'Pipe'|'File',
      'S3DataDistributionType': 'FullyReplicated'|'ShardedByS3Key',
      'S3CompressionType': 'None'|'Gzip'
    'OutputName': 'string',
    'S3Output': {
      'S3Uri': 'string',
      'LocalPath': 'string',
      'S3UploadMode': 'Continuous'|'EndOfJob'


Name Description
job_name Processing job name
output_artifacts A dictionary mapping with output_config OutputName as the key and S3Uri as the value

