Little Ruby On Rails debugging gem for writing colorized output to log file.
Because clog is all about color
here’s a blog posting with color pictures
> gem install clog
Rails 3x, in Gemfile
gem "clog"
clog var
First argument must be a symbol, which it outputs before second argument.
clog :var, var {:one=>1, :two=>2, :three=>3}.each do |k,v| clog k, v end
Will output each on its own line.
clog, Kernel, RUBY_VERSION, :a_symbol
Put something like this in a rails config file someplace
Clog.colors(background, forground=white)
Choices- :black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white
Clog.colors(:blue) Clog.colors(:black, yellow)
Default is red background, white foreground.
clog figures out when its appropriate to place additional information (line number, calling method, etc) on the right of the output or below it on the next line. Think of maxwidth as representing the width of your terminal window. The default is 150
version 0.2.0 now outputs during testing (not to log but to shell)
version 0.2.1 does the opposite of the above line. Tests now have too much formatting and output, so lets log to test.log if we’re running in a rails env
Copyright © 2010 Kevin Swope. See LICENSE for details.